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Remember my cat problem?

Well I re -decorated my room, stunning... 4 layers of paint(floor) and two clear coats so about 6 in all, new carpets new everything.  A week or so into my new room and guess what the lil bu**er does? Pees and poops in exactly the same place.  By now I am thinking this cat better be sick or else its going outside permanently (not that I could do it really).  So off to the vets and nearly 300 later she's depressed and suffering anxiety.  Came home with pills, anti anxiety collar and anything else we thought might help....  The vet tells me she has a good memory... I feel comforted NOT lol


I have a feeling she will be living a lot of her life in an enclosure with limited time inside, she done thousands of dollars damage... still its not her fault...  Oh and did I say I now need new carpet *sigh*

Message 1 of 33
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Remember my cat problem?

Sure is we will keep trying and watch how she goes, we do love her really its just so hard I can't let her wreck everything and I can't part with her either not yet. So we will try the enclosure if that fails crate training..

Message 21 of 33
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Remember my cat problem?

Intrathecal lead therapy fixes all troubling feline problems.



Message 22 of 33
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Remember my cat problem?

Some cats just do not do well when they are not the only cat...........I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the case here.


We had six cats as our children were growing up...........and the smallest one Maggie was always a very scared/skitish cat...................she was never happier than in her last few years of life when she was the only one.


I hope you find a solution...................fingers crossed.

Message 23 of 33
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Remember my cat problem?

Thanks flashie, she has always been one of three most of the issues have started since we moved. But that is 7 years ago.  For the last two years I have done rescue.  Last year my 13 year old Russian blue x died of cancer, Ginger never really liked her but all the same kind of missed her as the behaviour worsened. She gets on well with Tortie who is 15. 8 months ago I rescued a Burmese from a shelter, she was a hell of a cat, awesome, but hated other cats with a vengeance.  We rehoused her as she had the worst aggression I have ever seen in a cat toward other cats (we had her separated) and she is now a friend to a special needs child for whom she is a great therapy cat.


Gingers world was rocked again then we adopted two after fostering them about 4 months ago roughly.  Ginger got on fine with them now doesn't want to know. On one hand I am regretting this as I think this has impacted her but having said that its great to have been able to save their lives. Thing is she hates any change, doesn't like little kids they freak her out, or even OH moving furniture or renovating..  She seems worse on the anti depressant but the thing is it is not just the anxiety she will spend hours starring at a wall... she is skittish now and far worse than she has ever been. ๐Ÿ˜ž  Kind of heartbreaking really..


I hope I find an answer to for her sake must be some kind of living hell for her atm.  On the upside she does respond to lots of attention from us and that is promising.  I'll work with the vet to come up with a solution. I'll update in a few weeks, thank you again to every one x

Message 24 of 33
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Remember my cat problem?

Bella, I have four cats as well with two of the cats having cost me  a small fortune in terms of ruined furniture etc. Using Wee-Off helped somewhat. It has an enzyme that breaks down the urine and leaves a scent [that humans can't detect] that cats dislike. Biozet also has enzymes that breaks it down as well. I tried just about everything that I could think of, was advised to by the vet and the breeder as well as researched online but with limited success.


One cat is a very happy and laid back but he seems to think that its a great idea to spray on drapes. He started hormone treatment a couple of weeks ago and the spraying appears to have stopped.


The other cat is very sweet and affectionate but quite anxious and unsettled. She pees anywhere and everywhere, and, on anything and everything. The breeder suggested that I keep her in the bathroom with only a litter tray so that she could be retrained but I couldn't do it.

She's timid around the other three cats. Two weeks ago, she started taking clonicalm and already, I have noticed a change in her behaviour. The vet said that it can take six weeks for the full affect, so, hang in there.






"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 25 of 33
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Remember my cat problem?

LOL Bluecat yep can def relate to that!!! I have a furniture and carpet destroyer, she is the 15 year old tortie lol They are funny cats, but yeah I refuse to buy a new couch, she is too naughty no amount of spray ever stopped her, short of covering the entire couch in tin foil there is no hope!!


Wondering if the vet has missed something here, fluffles the tabby girl is separated at night now, the black monster has taken to ginger bashing... Ah the joys I think I just have too many cats as much as I love them I don't think when tortie goes I will not replace. Gotta love em though, their attitude and character.. yes I'm the crazy cat lady lol! ๐Ÿ™‚ Well actually blame OH he adopted the last one!


Ginger is really sad she has taken to hiding in one of the cat houses on the cat post and seems to just stare at it, not sleep? Poor sweetheart. I ordered a UV black light and 3 more calming collars today.  I will not surrender lol!! Good luck to you too, sounds like you've had quite the adventure with your lot!

Message 26 of 33
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Remember my cat problem?

Never a dull moment here. LOL. Ah,  the joys of having a multi cat household.


Is there a vet near you who specialises in cats only? I wanted to take my nervous nellie to one but the closest one was too far away.






"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 27 of 33
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Remember my cat problem?

No sadly there is not she is pooping and wee ing on her cat scratch post. I'll try and post a pic of her something isn't right here
Message 28 of 33
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Remember my cat problem?

Pic of her she does this for hours, we try to coax her out of it.... but something doesn't sit right with me.



Message 29 of 33
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Remember my cat problem?

Awww! ....... hwo distressing this must be for you. Have you considered a pshchiartrist? I believe there are a few good ones about the country that can probably help with the problem.

Message 30 of 33
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