on 17-01-2017 12:00 PM
i find it so hard to believe people when suddenly 30 or 40 years after some event that was so traumatic its affected their entire life decide to speak up.
and yet they cant produce even one bit of evidence to back up their story. not one person they told about it anytime before he was named as a sex offender. no diary from years ago where they wrote about it, nothing.
these sorts of claims, and i dont know if he did the things hes said to have done or not, are almost impossible to fight so many years after they were said to have happened.
look what they have tried to do to sir cliff richard.
i'd like to see some real evidence for a change.
on 17-01-2017 01:26 PM
There is so much wrong with that woman's evidence that it is laughable.
If she really thought she was the only person it had happened to why did she not come forward at the time of the first trial.....there were plenty of opportunities at the time.
One thing that sounds suss to me is her repeated statement that she was in a chair....then she says he put his hand up her dress to touch her bottom. Correct me if I am wrong but how could anyone touch her bottom if she is sitting on it?
Her description of his physical state makes it plain he was behaving like an animal on heat....but no-one else in the room saw anything?
on 17-01-2017 02:25 PM
From the article: "The woman made a report to police in 2014 after watching media coverage of Harris' first trial for indecent assault".
That being the case, why did it take so long to get to this point?