on 13-10-2013 02:45 PM
lovely. even tho the members voted more for Albo.....Shorten still won??? how is that fair? the Caucus overrulled the peoples wishes???????????
on 13-10-2013 03:00 PM
on 13-10-2013 03:06 PM
that's good news because i really cant see him as Australia's PM.
on 13-10-2013 03:38 PM
so 40% of votes equates to 30, 426 members.
so the Labor party only has approx 80,000 members? Out of 22 million people?
I suppose an additional 4,500 people would seem like a lot.
or does the 30,426 members represent 75% of members, in which case they only have 40,000 members?
@just_me_karen wrote:
Overruled? Eh what?
Together we’ve chosen a new Labor Leader.
With a Caucus vote of 63.95% and a membership vote of 40.08% which totals 52.02%, the new Leader is Bill Shorten.
This historic vote which combines the votes of Labor Caucus with the votes of 30,426 Labor Party members - a 74% turnout - has changed our great Party forever and is already making us stronger. Since the leadership campaign started more than 4,500 people have said they want to join Labor.
on 13-10-2013 03:48 PM - last edited on 13-10-2013 03:56 PM by luna-2304
Let the games begin !!
on 13-10-2013 03:57 PM
shorten, abbott's junkyard dog, savagin' the other side
on 13-10-2013 04:22 PM
@crikey*mate wrote:so 40% of votes equates to 30, 426 members.
so the Labor party only has approx 80,000 members? Out of 22 million people?
I suppose an additional 4,500 people would seem like a lot.
or does the 30,426 members represent 75% of members, in which case they only have 40,000 members?
I don't think I am reading it the same as you, 30,426 members = 74% of total members
Of those 74%, 40% voted for Shorten
64% of caucus voted for Shorten so all up 104% voted for Shorten, and they calim to be good with numbers and yet they have 104% of members voiting for 1 of 2 candidates. Go figure.
on 13-10-2013 04:23 PM
i havent heard his victory speech but I support what he said
on 13-10-2013 04:28 PM
Oh you will get on 😉
Identical outlook on things 🙂
on 13-10-2013 04:29 PM
@just_me_karen wrote:
Overruled? Eh what?
Together we’ve chosen a new Labor Leader.
With a Caucus vote of 63.95% and a membership vote of 40.08% which totals 52.02%, the new Leader is Bill Shorten.
This historic vote which combines the votes of Labor Caucus with the votes of 30,426 Labor Party members - a 74% turnout - has changed our great Party forever and is already making us stronger. Since the leadership campaign started more than 4,500 people have said they want to join Labor.
60% of 74% of members wanted AA but they didn't get AA so how is that going to make the party any stronger.
How many in caucus voted for Shroten ie in numbers not %, I bet nothing like 30,000 so the great majority of members did not get the leader they wanted.
And this is an improvement?