So disappointed in Joe :(

I cannot believe how much Mr Hockey has disappointed me this year.Woman Sad



ASPIRING treasurer Joe Hockey has been caught breaching parliamentary rules after failing to declare a family interest for almost his entire 17-year career in federal parliament.

Mr Hockey declared the directorship of Steel Harbour Pty Ltd held by his wife, Melissa Babbage, in May last year among a series of "new positions" under spouse declaration rules.

But business records show Ms Babbage was appointed to the role in 1998.

Pecuniary interest register declarations are supposed to be made within a month.

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So disappointed in Joe :(

I posted that scroller in response to Freaki's comment about it not being much of an interview.

Message 91 of 111
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So disappointed in Joe :(

@lakeland27 wrote:

 None of that has any relevance to a failure to declare. he can't just say 'oh the wife handles that' as a party member herself she ought to know better. the procedure is 'if you don't know, you'd best find out and clear this up' 17 years late is deceptive slack or fraudulent    take your pick.

I don't recall asking for a transcript to the well timed for the election interview.

Nor do I care what excuse he made for failing to declare. I can't see him being sweet natured about it if a green, labor or indie person did the same.

Message 92 of 111
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So disappointed in Joe :(

@**meep** wrote:

I posted that scroller in response to Freaki's comment about it not being much of an interview.



I didn't say it wasn't much of an interview.


Message 93 of 111
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So disappointed in Joe :(

It shows that he lacks self-discipline, surely the prerequisite for the discipline of a treasurer or any other significant appointment.

Message 94 of 111
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So disappointed in Joe :(

If we do our tax returns or fill out paperwork we discuss what needs to be declared, ignorance is no excuse.......I do the books... my OH hasn't a clue day to day but does check regularly, especially at tax time.

Message 95 of 111
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So disappointed in Joe :(

The purpose of this tool is to provide a checklist that you can use to identify whether you have a
pecuniary or non-pecuniary conflict of interest.

What is a pecuniary interest?

You have a pecuniary interest (also known as a material personal interest) in a matter if you have or
should reasonably have a realistic expectation that you or an associated individual stand to gain a
benefit or suffer a loss, whether directly or indirectly.


It is not necessary to be able to identify or quantify the benefit or loss that might either directly or
indirectly be attributable to you as a consequence of the relationship.


Money does not have to change hands – the benefit could be an increase in the value of property or
other material interest.


As soon as a pecuniary interest of an associate is recognised you must treat it as if it was your own
pecuniary interest.

Using the checklist below may be useful.
 Does the matter fall within the legislated definition of a pecuniary interest?
 Is there a realistic expectation that I will, directly or indirectly, gain a financial or other material
benefit or suffer a financial or other material loss?
 Will the matter affect my earning capacity or financial situation?
 Will it have an impact on the value of any shares or property that I own?
 Do I have a second job or private business that may be affected by the matter?
 Do I have any debts owing to a person who will be affected by the matter?
 Have I accepted hospitality, sponsored travel or other benefits from a person who will be
affected by the matter?
 Is there a realistic expectation that someone in a personal or business relationship with me will,
directly or indirectly, gain a financial or other material benefit or suffer a financial or other
material loss?
 By nature of my relationship with this individual, would any benefit or loss they receive be
expected, under normal circumstances, to flow through to me?

Some examples of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest:


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Message 96 of 111
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So disappointed in Joe :(

both husband and wife can have pecuniary interest 


In the case of MP's the rule on reporting is there for us (the Australian public) .

Message 97 of 111
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So disappointed in Joe :(


Treasurer Joe Hockey and financial guru Melissa Babbage have a very modern political marriage



SUNRISE host David Koch still remembers the day Joe Hockey rang to tell him his investment banker wife Melissa Babbage was selling "everything we own''.


It was a year before the global financial crisis hit and the stock market was riding high.

"Joe rang, and he said: "Melissa, she is selling everything,'' says Koch.

"He said, "I've convinced her to keep the house, but she reckons we're heading for the biggest global economic event since the Great Depression.''


She was right.


Koch, who wrote a column based on the tip that he was rubbished for at the time, describes Babbage as "an absolute guru''.

''She saw it coming,'' Joe Hockey tells Agenda. ''It’s true.''

So when the finance expert wants wise counsel he sometimes rings Australia's alternative Treasurer just to check: "What does Melissa reckon?''


Babbage, a 47-year-old mum of three kids and self-made millionaire is famed for leaving lesser mortals terrified in her wake.

Female financial gurus however already run in the family.


Hockey likes to brag his grandmother was something of a 1920s share trading shark who was so sharp that family folklore suggests her bank sent out messengers to her house every two weeks to pick up her dividend cheques for deposit.


For most political families, a high profile spouse means someone has to take a back seat.

But the Hockey-Babbage partnership is a very modern political marriage. For many years, Babbage juggled three children and a big job as the head of the global finance division of Deutsche Bank.


It wasn't always easy, despite all the trappings that investment bankers’ money can buy: the Hunters Hill house in Sydney, the Queensland cattle station, Melissa's Porsche Boxster that previously appeared on Joe Hockey’s parliamentary register of interests, the nannies and the $2,000 Thermomix machine that sits in Hockey's parliamentary office that chops, dices, steams and promises to make asparagus risotto in eighteen minutes.


Hockey still remembers the faint green glow of Melissa's computer screen in their bedroom for years with news on international markets. Babbage still remembers her failed experiment with formal childcare as a high-flying executive.


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Message 98 of 111
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So disappointed in Joe :(

If the above is correct ...Joe's wife tells her that they are selling everything they own and Joe convinced her to least keep the house ....without him knowing and /or discussing what else they do own .

and ....would that be them discussing things in any case ?

and Koch spoke with both husband and wife and Joe somehow managed to remain as he says *Clueless* ?

and Joe appears to have looked at what was on her computer screen when they were  in bed ....AND yet remained Clueless ?



and of course look how well our Country came through ...without selling 'everything' Woman Wink


Message 99 of 111
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So disappointed in Joe :(

Nope still do not believe him.
Message 100 of 111
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