So that baby with two faces died

What gets me is that the parents knew they wouldn't but went ahead with the pregnancy anyway
Message 1 of 61
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So that baby with two faces died

One body - two faces - both parents on welfare with the father caring for the mother and 7 kids
Message 21 of 61
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So that baby with two faces died

In housing commission Joz
Message 22 of 61
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So that baby with two faces died

hmm speaking of religion, were those parents religious in smoe way georgia?

Signatures suck.
Message 23 of 61
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So that baby with two faces died

Nope - IMO Joz - I think they were after money deals. The ultrasound proved the baby was deformed and they had the chance to abort but they didnt
Message 24 of 61
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So that baby with two faces died

@georgiajake2010 wrote:
Nope - IMO Joz - I think they were after money deals. The ultrasound proved the baby was deformed and they had the chance to abort but they didnt

what kind of money deals?


when did this happen btw, i must have missed it on the news?

Signatures suck.
Message 25 of 61
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So that baby with two faces died

@*pepe wrote:

I probably wouldn't have gone ahead with the pregnancy, but then i am not in the parents shoes, maybe they had faith or maybe they just thought their babies deserved a chance, who knows why they made the choice they did.


They deserve compassion and sympathy, not judgement. .

and just maybe they had hope that science and medicine would work out a way to save their babies in time and enable them to have a real go at life.


My first full term baby died at 4 days old. We were told that he would never make it through the pregnancy. But each day he remained alive, we hoped, ya know? We hoped that something or someone would work out a way to let our baby stay with us,

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 26 of 61
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So that baby with two faces died

Ok - should I pull up the posts bagging people on centrelink recipients (as the parents are) Where is the first thread on this baby two face - let's see the comments! I am so sorry for your loss Crikey ๐Ÿ˜•
Message 27 of 61
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So that baby with two faces died

Hello everyone, let's keep things from being hostile and interpersonal on what is obviously a deeply sensitive subject for many.


Message 28 of 61
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So that baby with two faces died

There has been 35 cases of this and all have passed away quite quickly
Message 29 of 61
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So that baby with two faces died

There was no chance at all
Message 30 of 61
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