Squeeze is on as Australia's populations boom

Almost 10 million migrants over the next 50 years will  swell Australia's  population to more than 40 million by 2060 and more than 50 million by 2100,  under dramatically higher new projections by the Bureau of Statistics.


The projections, the first for five years, envisage tens of millions more  people crowding into Australia's capital cities over the next 50 years,  overwhelmingly due to migration.


By 2060, the bureau estimates, Melbourne will have 8.5 million people, twice  as many as now. Even by 2050, it would have 1.2 million more people than the  state government assumed in its core planning strategy, Plan Melbourne,  released last month.

By then Sydney would have 8.4 million, an increase of 80 per cent from now. 


Perth would more than double to 5.5 million people, and Brisbane to 4.8 million.  Both cities would be bigger than Sydney is now.


Melbourne would overtake Sydney  in 2053.


Those four cities, the migrant magnets of Australia, would add 14 million of  the 18.4 million extra people envisaged by 2060.


The rest of Queensland would add 2 million, the ACT would double to almost  750,000, but in much of the rest of Australia - South Australia, Tasmania, and  regional NSW and Victoria - population growth will either reverse or slow to  minimal levels by 2050.


Migration would become the driving source of Australia's growth. The bureau's  central projection assumes a long-run average net gain of 240,000 migrants a  year, roughly current levels.

That already generates 60 per cent of Australia's population growth, but that  would rise to two-thirds over the forecast period as the society ages.


 Click Here To View Full Article


8.4 Mil for Sydney? And I thought the traffic was bad now!


Smiley Surprised




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Squeeze is on as Australia's populations boom

It's the "big Australia" that no one wants to have except the business people who stand to profit by it and the govt which sees the potential for more taxes gained.


Stuff the people who already live here; we don't count and haven't enough political clout to make it otherwise.



Message 2 of 44
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Squeeze is on as Australia's populations boom

Community Member

And the ethnic makeup will be?

Message 3 of 44
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Squeeze is on as Australia's populations boom

The ethnic makeup?Vanuatu,the Maldives and Bangladesh as rising seas make them flee to higher ground.
Message 4 of 44
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Squeeze is on as Australia's populations boom

BUT,there's no such thing as global warming,so they'll all be middle class English speaking white folk.Had you worried for a while,didn't I?
Message 5 of 44
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Squeeze is on as Australia's populations boom

Nope not at all, I will be well dead by then

Message 6 of 44
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Squeeze is on as Australia's populations boom

Me too,so we've got nothing to worry about:-)
Message 7 of 44
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Squeeze is on as Australia's populations boom

8.4 Mil for Sydney? And I thought the traffic was bad now!



Forget traffic! Don't forget all the politicians you'll need to represent these "new citizens".


I think you know what more politicians mean.




Message 8 of 44
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Squeeze is on as Australia's populations boom

What's going to happen if or when our population reaches 50 million or so?


Will there be jobs for them or will half or more of the population be on unemployment or other social security benefits?


Since we seem to be shipping a lot of our jobs overseas just now, I wonder if the govt (and subsequent govts) might just consider that a "big Australia" might bring more problems than solutions.





Message 9 of 44
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Squeeze is on as Australia's populations boom

its been growing as long as i've been watching, but when the opportunities dry up the growth will slow again . maybe the weather will be too much by then and people will live like mole people. underground. coober pedy  population 10000000 . the cooper basin de -sal plant humming away in the background..

Message 10 of 44
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