Stop Screwing Marriage

AS libertarian crossbencher David Leyonhjelm launches the latest bid this week to legislate same-sex marriage, you have to ask how much more can our most important institution bear.


We already have midlife crisis affairs becoming de rigueur for a certain class of middle-aged women.


We have ubiquitous ads for the Ashley Madison adultery website exhorting women to cuckold their boring husbands, and vice versa.

Rather than an aberration frowned upon by society, breaking your marriage vows is now seen as a rite of passage for the endlessly adolescent, another journey of Eat Pray Love self-discovery.


There’s even a growing industry in celebrating divorce with lavish parties.


So, frankly, if homosexual activists want to redefine what marriage means, you could be forgiven for wondering what difference will it make.


The consequences of the sexual revolution are broken lives and damaged children, an entire underclass of dysfunction, and a yawning inequality.


An institution designed to ensure men took responsibility for their children has been usurped by the welfare state.


But God forbid anyone speak ill of divorce, or point out the incontrovertible evidence from social science studies that children do better on every measure when raised by their mother and father in a stable marriage.


The intimidation and silencing of contrary voices in the same sex marriage debate is despicable and desperate.


he forced resignation of Mozilla’s CEO Brendan Eich after he was discovered to have once donated $1,000 to a political campaign against same-sex marriage is a case in point.


So is the taxpayer funded SBS’ refusal to run a gentle 30-second advertisement in favour of traditional marriage during its Mardi Gras coverage.


And the compulsory mediation Toowoomba physician David van Gend was forced to attend after he wrote an article saying a baby deserves both a mother and a father.


It takes gay people to come out and say what straight people are too intimidated to say. In France, when hundreds of thousands of protester took to the streets to oppose gay marriage and same sex adoption legislation in 2013, prominent homosexuals led the way.


Entire Article Here


It’s in everyone’s best interests to strengthen marriage as the foundational institution of civil society, in which a man and a woman raise solid citizens, gay or straight, to replenish the moral capital of the future.

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Stop Screwing Marriage

I notice that it seems to be a put down of women and gay people, no where does it say about men having affairs at all.

Message 2 of 9
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Stop Screwing Marriage

Miranda Devine always wanted to be one of the boys.  Even a nice touch of SBS knocking in that little article too, just for Uncle Rupert.

Message 3 of 9
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Stop Screwing Marriage

@j*oono wrote:

Miranda Devine always wanted to be one of the boys.  Even a nice touch of SBS knocking in that little article too, just for Uncle Rupert.

I was about to take a guess on the author being Ms Devine when I saw your post.   She is getting rather rabid in her defence of traditional attitudes these days.    


It's verging on any excuse will do to attack other women at times.



Message 4 of 9
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Stop Screwing Marriage

hehe.. that just had to be a headline from The Daily Telegraph....

Message 5 of 9
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Stop Screwing Marriage

It’s in everyone’s best interests to strengthen marriage as the foundational institution of civil society, in which a man and a woman raise solid citizens, gay or straight, to replenish the moral capital of the future.


What exactly is that supposed to mean?


A single parent, an unmarried couple with children, a gay couple can't raise solid citizens?

Message 6 of 9
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Stop Screwing Marriage

That is exactly what Devine is inferring and as per usual is talking through her.....




"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 7 of 9
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Stop Screwing Marriage

Smiley LOL    David van Gend, a nutter of the highest order. Check out his musings.

Message 8 of 9
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Stop Screwing Marriage

So, frankly, if homosexual activists want to redefine what marriage means, you could be forgiven for wondering what difference will it make


The difference would be, they would have choice, just like hetro people do.  There is nothing to say just because same sex marriage is legalised that every gay or lesbian couple will be rushing to the registry office.  They will simply have to the choice to if they want.  A pretty basic right, I would think.

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