Syrians coming to this country

Is this how they are all trying to change our lives and customs?



Refugee story

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Syrians coming to this country

@lurker172602 wrote:

the couple in the link are not muslim.


Where in the article does it say what, if any, religion they are?

not in the article you posted but i have

read about this young family in other 

sources.  the family comes from aleppo -

the largest christian community in the middle

east. their son's name is joseph. 


that alone should indicate they are not

muslim BUT as i said, i read it elsewhere:

Message 11 of 153
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Syrians coming to this country

Those before and after pics get to me. So much destruction.


I don't think it matters what religion they follow. They are refugees.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 12 of 153
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Syrians coming to this country

@bluecat*riverdancing wrote:

Those before and after pics get to me. So much destruction.


I don't think it matters what religion they follow. They are refugees.

that's exactly my point.

i brought it up for those here who

were concerned that the majority of 

the syrian refugees to be resettled 

in australia, were going to be christian.


as you can see, no need to worry.


those before and after pics - they show ppl

who are just like you and me.  doing the

same things - except we dont have it all 

ripped apart by war Smiley Sad

Message 13 of 153
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Syrians coming to this country

@djlukjilly wrote:

A very good news story but I'm afraid it doesn't pertain to all the refugees we have taken in over the years, which is such a shame because they don't take the incredible opportunity to become part of our culture.



A very good news  story indeed,but  I'm afraid It doesn't pertain to all the migrants from any country  that we have taken in over the years, which is such a shame because they don't take the incredible opportunity to become part of our culture.


 Off the top of my head, I could cite you  two Italians in my own  town who were wife beaters, a New Zealander who was deported for exposing himself to children and a South African who is serving a life sentence for shootingtand killing his ex wife.



I prefer to acknowledge the vast majority who are exemplary citizens.

Message 14 of 153
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Syrians coming to this country

Since the Bilouna family. having been here since Sept, 2014, they aren't  among the extra 12,000 Syrians [and Iraqi's] that Australia have agreed to take in. There is little transparency with this government when it comes to refugees and asylum seekers so who knows how people really will be selected. I just hope that they do this quickly and humanely.



We are lucky, aren't we?


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 15 of 153
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Syrians coming to this country

What is our culture? That always confuses me,[yes, I know, not hard] as does "integration" and "assimilation".I suppose everyone has their own interpretation of what they all mean which can be confusing.



"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 16 of 153
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Syrians coming to this country

There is little transparency with this government when it comes to refugees and asylum seekers so who knows how people really will be selected.



priority will be given to women and

children and persecuted minorities.


an example:



The father of a Syrian family that arrived in Perth, Western Australia, on Monday night as the first of 12,000 refugees being offered humanitarian visa places says he “would just like to thank everybody for giving us a chance at happiness”.


The man arrived at Perth airport with his heavily pregnant wife and three children. Her pregnancy was the reason they were brought to Australia slightly ahead of the group of 200 selected as the first tranche to be granted resettlement because soon she will not be able to fly.




Families and persecuted minorities registered through the United Nations’ refugee agency, the UNHCR, would be given first preference.


On Thursday, Dutton announced that Australian officials working with the UNHCR have started processing the first group.


“We’ve identified about 200 people already, and we’re going through security and health checks,” the minister told Macquarie Radio. “We will look at those most in need, including persecuted minorities.”



Message 17 of 153
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Syrians coming to this country

to put it very simply our culture can

be described as western culture. 


and then you can go into more 

unique characteristics - the ones that

make us different from other countries.


there are a few that stand out.



Message 18 of 153
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Syrians coming to this country

Yes, the father wrote a lovely letter of thanks after their arrival.


I find it hard to believe a word [and with good reason] that comes out of Dutton's mouth and that the 200 he mentioned are processed and arrive soon, and, that the 11,800 remaining places are filled asap.




"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 19 of 153
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Syrians coming to this country

Such as?


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 20 of 153
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