on 25-06-2013 11:26 AM
"WE can always count on the Americans to do the right thing," Winston Churchill is reputed to have said, "after they have exhausted all the other possibilities."
I love that line! Good ol' Winnie sure came up with some good ones!
In announcing last week that it was to talk direct to the Taliban, the US was doing the right thing - but at least 10 years too late.
The White House statement about the US-Taliban talks in Qatar came on the day that NATO celebrated the transfer to Afghan security forces of control of the remaining 95 districts of the country in which Western forces had been in the lead. Both events are milestones in the US's recessional from its longest war - a war that is likely to have cost US taxpayer more than $US800 billion ($869bn).
Originally, in the wake of September 11, the US and its allies went into Afghanistan to deal with al-Qa'ida, the Arab terrorists who had been given sanctuary by the conservative religious zealots - the Taliban - who then ruled the country. US and British special forces and intelligence officers encouraged the Persian-speaking warlords of northern Afghanistan to eject the mainly Pashtun Taliban from power, expelling them first from Kabul and then from Kandahar, their home city in the south.
Many wrongly supposed that the Taliban had been defeated. But in reality they had done what parties to a civil war usually do when faced with overwhelming force. They pulled back to fight on another day and in another way, into the south and east of Afghanistan and, most important, back across the Durand line (the porous border that separates Afghanistan and Pakistan) into the lawless Pashtun tribal areas of Pakistan. By January 2002 al-Qa'ida had, in effect, been removed from Afghanistan. But across the next decade, the tide of Taliban influence has returned, until today it laps at the suburbs of Kabul.
on 25-06-2013 03:31 PM
... but you forgot to mention that once upon the time there was a secular government in Afganistan; girls were going to school and on to universities, they did not wear burquas.
However, there was a strong militant extremist movement in the country side = the mujahideen. The secular government was losing the battle and asked the Russians to come and help them to get rid of the fundamentalist. USA did not like that and started to arm the fundamentalist rebels. During & after this conflict young boys were kidnapped, taken to madrassas in Pakistan, where they were brain washed and these boys later formed the Taliban - they are people totally unable to see the world from any other point. Osama bin Laden got to know the mujahideen leaders during the anti-Soviet jihad after traveling to Peshawar in 1980. Two years later, his construction company built tunnels in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan that the CIA helped him to finance and which he was later to use to escape US bombing after 9/11.
So much for the USA trying to save Afganistan from clutches of the fundamental Islam.
on 25-06-2013 04:37 PM
... but you forgot to mention that once upon the time there was a secular government in Afganistan; girls were going to school and on to universities, they did not wear burquas.
However, there was a strong militant extremist movement in the country side = the mujahideen. The secular government was losing the battle and asked the Russians to come and help them to get rid of the fundamentalist. USA did not like that and started to arm the fundamentalist rebels. During & after this conflict young boys were kidnapped, taken to madrassas in Pakistan, where they were brain washed and these boys later formed the Taliban - they are people totally unable to see the world from any other point. Osama bin Laden got to know the mujahideen leaders during the anti-Soviet jihad after traveling to Peshawar in 1980. Two years later, his construction company built tunnels in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan that the CIA helped him to finance and which he was later to use to escape US bombing after 9/11.
So much for the USA trying to save Afganistan from clutches of the fundamental Islam.
"USA did not like that and started to arm the fundamentalist rebels."
Very much the same as they are currently doing in Syria.