on 24-06-2013 02:54 AM
Here are a few exerpt.
"An enormous amount of policy and process is there to be dissected. The government is so manically pushing legislation through the Senate that it has extended the final sitting day to Friday and given notice it intends to gag debate on 53 bills this week. This even includes the legislation that is the basis of the federal referendum, the Constitution Alteration (Local Government) Bill 2013
This is preposterous. It is the latest dysfunction and dishonesty from the Gillard government, an insult to the electorate and to the democratic process. If the government is unwilling to debate the referendum measure in Parliament, and has allocated 10 times as much funding to support the referendum case as to put an opposing case, the referendum is clearly a Trojan Horse for extending federal power to local government and needs to be defeated. None of this would be possible without the Greens."
This is a typical ploy used by Gillard and Labor on many odious bills that have been ramroded and passed into law.
The damage that has been done using this tactic will take years to undo.
"Underlying the Prime Minister's determination to use power while she can, on Wednesday she was in the Parliament expressing her determination to prop up General Motors Holden, which has so far received almost $2 billion in government subsidies: ''Yes, this government will support jobs in car making! Yes, we will continue the co-investments we have agreed to with Holden. Yes, we will do everything we can to resist the opposition's plan to rip half a billion dollars away from that industry support and cost 2000 hardworking Australians their jobs … So let me be very clear that we will never endorse the reckless plan to see those thousands of Australians thrown on the unemployment scrap heap.''
Protecting the only power she has, Unions, she is using tax dollars to keep her butt in the Lodge.
"Under Gillard, even bills that do not appear to be about extending union power, such as this week's amendments to the Aged Care Act, are really moves to extend union power. The government is offering $1.2 billion to increase salaries for aged care workers - but there are always union strings attached. To access this funding it will be almost impossible to negotiate an enterprise bargaining agreement without a union being a party. The union beneficiary here is the corrupt Health Services Union, which will be getting an indirect billion-dollar handout to fund a recruiting drive and gain access to non-union workplaces."
Corruption anyone?
"It goes on and on. The bills being rammed through the Senate by Labor and the Greens this week are the tail ends of a massive shift in power to the unions, which has resulted in a marked up-tick in union militancy."
Sertting land mines
Union corruption is going to haunt Gillard, the Labor brand, and the Greens in the coming months. And let us not forget that Victoria Police are continuing an investigation, and issuing search warrants, into money laundering by former officials of the Australian Workers Union at a time when Gillard was providing legal advice to people who were union officials then and are under police investigation now.
Eventual demise of the Labor Party
Full story here
on 24-06-2013 03:09 AM
Just like with Nero, I ask you "why do you even bother"? It's a forgone conclusion, the next election result.
on 24-06-2013 03:12 AM
And so I'll refer you to the thread by Freakiness.
The pot is blacker than the kettle, wouldn't you say?
on 24-06-2013 03:33 AM
Just like with Nero, I ask you "why do you even bother"? It's a forgone conclusion, the next election result.
I realise that it is a foregone conclusion but think of the damage that will be cause in the comming week.
If only the non-independent independents gathered up the collective intestinal fortitude the comming week's damage could be averted by calling a motion of no confidence so that parliament gets dissolved.
That would take a cluster of egg shaped objects in hirsute bags, unfortunately the non-independents are devoid of those so Australia has tu suffer while the damage is unpicked
on 24-06-2013 08:34 AM
on 24-06-2013 09:32 AM
australia has a mafia. whoever thought of the OP is overly dramatic and possessed by the right wing media. as always.
on 24-06-2013 09:33 AM
your sin will find you out windy.:-)
on 24-06-2013 09:38 AM
on 24-06-2013 09:40 AM
which head will do it ?
on 24-06-2013 09:53 AM
dont get mad windy.