on 10-06-2013 11:57 PM
For the last few weeks we've been having a problem with pantry moths, so a couple of nights ago. We had a blitz on the pantry to try to get rid of them.
OMG what a shock! I know I'm not the world's most organised housewife, and with only the two of us living here now, half used packets of rice, cornflour etc tend to get forgotten and migrate to the hidden corners of the pantry, but, those little suckers were absolutely everywhere! They'd somehow squeezed themselves into a takeaway food container full of sultanas, they'd munched their way through several sachets of porridge oats and even managed to get into an unopened packet of tea bags - chewed through the plastic wrap, through the cardboard, and even through the paper on the teabags themselves!
It took us hours to sort through everything but I think we finally emerged from the fray victorious.We chucked out anything that looked even slightly suss and I went out and bought a heap of sealable plastic containers with clip on lids. Mr Elephant got busy with the label maker number 4 son gave him for Christmas present and the pantry has never looked so neat and organised.
I've put a moth trap on every shelf and so far no corpses, so fingers crossed.
on 11-06-2013 01:30 PM
well .... you did say it's been a while since you cleaned the pantry out - millions of years?? :-x
on 11-06-2013 07:47 PM
cheer up,they are worth a fortune.I keep a colony of them to feed my finchs .They are near impossible to buy I had to pay $55 to get a starter colony and it was only about 100 grubs.At least they do breed well once you get the hang of it
If they come back you could try going into business.Frogs are fans as well im told:^O
on 11-06-2013 07:52 PM
I find they love muesli and breadcrumbs. I've ditched muesli and keep my breadcrumbs in and airtight container.
That fixed 'em.
on 12-06-2013 11:06 PM
well I am giving the basil leaves a go
so thanks for the tip 🙂