on 29-08-2013 10:25 PM
The desperate negative and mendacious one liners are multiplying at the rate of the Dudd slide towards oblivion.
The scrabbling to shore themselves up, to find succor in their clumping together in its pathetic hurry toward
the inevitable.
The screams will rend the air and the clothes will be rent. This is the beginning of the hell they will have to endure for years because they lost.
They will come to know the chaos visited on the country for 6 long will end on Sept. 7th a date that will resonate for years as the day the country rejected Dudd and his ilk.
on 29-08-2013 10:28 PM
on 29-08-2013 10:30 PM
Great movie meep but not exactly what this post is referring to. A clever play on topic
on 29-08-2013 10:31 PM
@**meep** wrote:I was going to say it was a good movie.
love the song
Me too.
I have no idea what the OP is about. It's a bit hard to understand one long ramble without context.
on 29-08-2013 10:36 PM
on 29-08-2013 10:58 PM
Clever post. funny, I had no problem understanding it.
on 30-08-2013 07:20 AM
@silverfaun wrote:Clever post. funny, I had no problem understanding it.
Self praise is no recommendation
on 30-08-2013 07:21 AM
@12elliemellie wrote:
@silverfaun wrote:Clever post. funny, I had no problem understanding it.
Self praise is no recommendation
on 30-08-2013 07:31 AM
@silverfaun wrote:Clever post. funny, I had no problem understanding it.
We all understand why *wink*
Faun didn't you post the bye so long poster's thread indicating you had been sent packing?
So how come you're still here?
on 30-08-2013 08:30 AM
some people are very witty!
short holiday maybe? tickets didn't arrive?