21-08-2014 07:47 PM - edited 21-08-2014 07:48 PM
are we/you serious ?...
There is a fun photo comp weekly thread - and a chat thread about said fun photo thread (operative word FUN!!!)
Is anyone out there, really , truly, seriously got a problem with this ?
The standard rules ATM are:
Photo must be your own
Photo can be digitally enhanced
Winner is photo with most kudo's/votes
Creepy crawlies in a spoiler box please.
I think there should be a few more rules added :
1. No judgements...don't like a photo - don't KUDO!
2. Think a photo is not legit - don't KUDO!
3. All voters and participants need a sense of humour and fun
4. If you don't like the competition, don't CLICK your button to enter the thread.
Pimpy started this thread a long while ago and it has always been a fun thing, let's honour her by keeping it fun.
Sheesh people - there is enough krap going on in the world to keep us all insensed, let's take fun where we can
21-08-2014 07:57 PM - edited 21-08-2014 07:58 PM
careful, suggesting additional rules might be viewed as a complaint
on 21-08-2014 10:28 PM
totally agree greenie.
can't just have a fun thread, always has to be a drama. sheesh
on 22-08-2014 11:06 AM
I know Icy, and the photo thread is one of my complete favourites.
even though I never win !!! (hint hint) LOL