The ugly australian

Video shows Chinese woman being racially attacked in Melbourne over coronavirus


tipical bottom feeder mentality, sits in public boozing her life away and has all the answers to the problem.

as for her brave male companion, he needs finding and put behind bars, and not the kind of bars he sits at all day!

Message 1 of 39
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The ugly australian

@cezm wrote:

@4channel wrote:

There's been a resurgance in racism in the last few years. Racism goes in all directions and Caucasians can be just as much the victim of racism on various occasions. But the actual racist violence and prejudicial bigotry with real venom has been directed at immigrants of the non Caucasian type This is the remnant of that ugly White Australia  Policy.. People tend to lash out  at things they're not familar with. Asians have copped a lot of unfair accusations and blame for things they have nothing to do with. Now with this Corona virus scare, all the nasty bigots are coming out of the woodwork.


The title of this thread sums it up very well.

The cynic in me says this is why the border was closed to China long before the US

@cezm wrote:

@4channel wrote:

There's been a resurgance in racism in the last few years. Racism goes in all directions and Caucasians can be just as much the victim of racism on various occasions. But the actual racist violence and prejudicial bigotry with real venom has been directed at immigrants of the non Caucasian type This is the remnant of that ugly White Australia  Policy.. People tend to lash out  at things they're not familar with. Asians have copped a lot of unfair accusations and blame for things they have nothing to do with. Now with this Corona virus scare, all the nasty bigots are coming out of the woodwork.


The title of this thread sums it up very well.

The cynic in me says this is why the border was closed to China long before the US

Those that feel uneasy in public or consider themselves possible targets of censure tend to provoke as well - will settle down to what makes Australia relatively conflict free - everyone just ignoring everyone else

Message 21 of 39
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The ugly australian




@rogespeed wrote:

Re: The ugly australian
in reply todavewil1964

It was not racial - was a bigotry issue motivated by a sense of loss due to another countries percieved gross public health issues causing calamity and vented upon a hapless resident considered unfairly as an in-range-for-censure representitive of subject country


Todays menu - steak or mince ? 









Sorrry, I must disagree. I'd say it was bigotry and racism rolled in one and all borne out of ignorance that has been encouraged by others. Immoral and sleazy politicians both male and femaie have contributed to this issue by playing on the fears of the public  no doubt! One thing I'll say about Kevin Rudd, for all of his faults and he has many by the way, he never resorted to that low down level that some others have. Actually in the larger picture, Rudd warned of  return to the "fear days".


Racists are here, there and everywhere. They are loooking for an excuse to express their hate (often based on taught ignorance plus a cover up for their own failure in life) and something like this issue just gives them the excuse to do it. 





Coronavirus has sparked racist attacks on Asians in Australia — including me
Posted 31 JanJanuary 2020, updated 1 FebFebruary 2020



She's right!



@rogespeed wrote:



Todays menu - steak or mince ? 




Here in Australia we are poisoning ourselves with GM food, dangerous chemicals and poisonous preservatives. Cows and chickens that get pumped up with hormones and are fed recycled animal  products inclluding animal waste. Then we eat it. People are getting sick all the time. Now if some of the reports are true and this actually came from a lab in China then it's notthing to do with what people on the street are eating and as disgusting as iit may seem, dog meat may be less harmful than hormone loaded chicken or beef that has been fed animal products as well with GM salad on the side. I know which one's going to cause disease before the other will.

Message 22 of 39
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The ugly australian

@4channel wrote:




@rogespeed wrote:

Re: The ugly australian
in reply todavewil1964

It was not racial - was a bigotry issue motivated by a sense of loss due to another countries percieved gross public health issues causing calamity and vented upon a hapless resident considered unfairly as an in-range-for-censure representitive of subject country


Todays menu - steak or mince ? 









Sorrry, I must disagree. I'd say it was bigotry and racism rolled in one and all borne out of ignorance that has been encouraged by others. Immoral and sleazy politicians both male and femaie have contributed to this issue by playing on the fears of the public  no doubt! One thing I'll say about Kevin Rudd, for all of his faults and he has many by the way, he never resorted to that low down level that some others have. Actually in the larger picture, Rudd warned of  return to the "fear days".


Racists are here, there and everywhere. They are loooking for an excuse to express their hate (often based on taught ignorance plus a cover up for their own failure in life) and something like this issue just gives them the excuse to do it. 





Coronavirus has sparked racist attacks on Asians in Australia — including me
Posted 31 JanJanuary 2020, updated 1 FebFebruary 2020



She's right!



@rogespeed wrote:



Todays menu - steak or mince ? 




Here in Australia we are poisoning ourselves with GM food, dangerous chemicals and poisonous preservatives. Cows and chickens that get pumped up with hormones and are fed recycled animal  products inclluding animal waste. Then we eat it. People are getting sick all the time. Now if some of the reports are true and this actually came from a lab in China then it's notthing to do with what people on the street are eating and as disgusting as iit may seem, dog meat may be less harmful than hormone loaded chicken or beef that has been fed animal products as well with GM salad on the side. I know which one's going to cause disease before the other will.

dog are carnivores, so their meat has no nutritional value for humans.


Humans should eat grass-eating animals, or herbivores, for nutrional value.


I get it if there's a famine you'd eat what you can, but no way do modern Chinese need to eat dogs and rats and cats and bats and what all else.



Message 23 of 39
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The ugly australian

@4channel wrote:




@rogespeed wrote:

Re: The ugly australian
in reply todavewil1964

It was not racial - was a bigotry issue motivated by a sense of loss due to another countries percieved gross public health issues causing calamity and vented upon a hapless resident considered unfairly as an in-range-for-censure representitive of subject country


Todays menu - steak or mince ? 









Sorrry, I must disagree. I'd say it was bigotry and racism rolled in one and all borne out of ignorance that has been encouraged by others. Immoral and sleazy politicians both male and femaie have contributed to this issue by playing on the fears of the public  no doubt! One thing I'll say about Kevin Rudd, for all of his faults and he has many by the way, he never resorted to that low down level that some others have. Actually in the larger picture, Rudd warned of  return to the "fear days".


Racists are here, there and everywhere. They are loooking for an excuse to express their hate (often based on taught ignorance plus a cover up for their own failure in life) and something like this issue just gives them the excuse to do it. 





Coronavirus has sparked racist attacks on Asians in Australia — including me
Posted 31 JanJanuary 2020, updated 1 FebFebruary 2020



She's right!



@rogespeed wrote:



Todays menu - steak or mince ? 




Here in Australia we are poisoning ourselves with GM food, dangerous chemicals and poisonous preservatives. Cows and chickens that get pumped up with hormones and are fed recycled animal  products inclluding animal waste. Then we eat it. People are getting sick all the time. Now if some of the reports are true and this actually came from a lab in China then it's notthing to do with what people on the street are eating and as disgusting as iit may seem, dog meat may be less harmful than hormone loaded chicken or beef that has been fed animal products as well with GM salad on the side. I know which one's going to cause disease before the other will.

True enough ...... to be fair , in China dogs have been officially reclassified from farm produce to pet-only status 


Maybe we will be inspired to recipricate the sentiment by mandating improvements 

Message 24 of 39
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The ugly australian

for as long as i can remember asian countries have been eating all kinds of stuff we would class as CARP


pretty much anything that lives is on the menu


in the past we were talking about their killing of endangered species and ignoring the 'other' species they put in the cooking pot.


maybe this virus will get the chinese and other asian countries to have a good hard look at what they are eating and make real change.


now its come home to roost so to speak and killing their own people and escaping into the bigger world doing enormous damages.

Message 25 of 39
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The ugly australian

For Hundreds of years the Chinese farmed dogs for food.


Oxen where to pull the carts and farm work, they where to useful to be eaten


Horses where used for transport and never eaten.


The french used to eat horses and still eat snails.


People still eat Rabbits that can be full of disease


Makes me want to be a vegan  when I think of mad cow disease 


Message 26 of 39
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The ugly australian

@davidc4430 wrote:

for as long as i can remember asian countries have been eating all kinds of stuff we would class as CARP


pretty much anything that lives is on the menu


in the past we were talking about their killing of endangered species and ignoring the 'other' species they put in the cooking pot.


maybe this virus will get the chinese and other asian countries to have a good hard look at what they are eating and make real change.


now its come home to roost so to speak and killing their own people and escaping into the bigger world doing enormous damages.

Is I suspect a carry over trait from the era of periodic population starvation or near starvation - however there are starting to be changes but in time will reveal how enforced they are - likewise consumption of endangered animal parts from foreign countries 


Actually Hubei provence has some impressive  wilderness regions so there is positive sentiment regarding preservation , not all teeming masses , cement structures and belching factories 



Message 27 of 39
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The ugly australian

@lionrose.7 wrote:

For Hundreds of years the Chinese farmed dogs for food.


Oxen where to pull the carts and farm work, they where to useful to be eaten


Horses where used for transport and never eaten.


The french used to eat horses and still eat snails.


People still eat Rabbits that can be full of disease


Makes me want to be a vegan  when I think of mad cow disease 


so would you eat your cat if you were starving?

Message 28 of 39
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The ugly australian

No Never, I would eat grass or fruit or veg I could find, but never a cat or any other meat I had to kill.

I would be stuffed on a desert island as I dont eat fish or shell fish

I rescue worms on the path from the sun and drowning bugs from puddles LOL


Message 29 of 39
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The ugly australian

Improvements to what?


We already consider dogs to be pets, rather than food. And cats, and most carnivores.


I doubt we have enough (any) influence to convince the CCP to follow any of our food guidelines, much less what protein they can and can't eat.


But 4channel was spot on with his rebuttal of your premise - bigotry due to the perceived race of the recipient of said bigotry is racism. It says so on the label.

Message 30 of 39
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