Tradie's Religious Beliefs Not Honoured By Transport Dept.


Tradie refused 'religious right' to wear pasta strainer on head in licence photo


The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster continues to draw new acolytes with a Queensland tradie forgoing a driver's licence to express his religious beliefs.


Brisbane renderer Simon Leadbetter has been unable to drive for almost two months after the state's Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) refused to renew his licence because he insisted on being photographed with a colander on his head.


Simon Leadbetter is a Pastafarian and he believes his rights are being violated because he cannot express his faith through his religious headdress in his licence photo.


"I'm a devout member of the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and I have a right to wear a colander just like Sikhs wear turbans," the 31-year-old told ninemsn.


"Just because they don't understand my religion doesn't mean I should be persecuted. I don't understand why I am being discriminated against.

Entire Article Here
Woman LOL
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Tradie's Religious Beliefs Not Honoured By Transport Dept.


Compliant image Can I wear glasses when I have my photo taken?

You are required to remove your glasses or sunglasses to have your photograph taken.

Can I wear any head attire when I have my photo taken?

You must remove your hat or cap. If you wear headwear for religious reasons, it must be adjusted so that all facial features from the bottom of your chin to top of your forehead (including both edges of your face) are clearly shown.

Can I smile when I have my photo taken?

When you have your photo taken, you will be asked to maintain a neutral expression with your mouth closed.

Message 11 of 16
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Tradie's Religious Beliefs Not Honoured By Transport Dept.

I think the rules have changed due to "facial recognition" data.  


Big brother is watching and measuring us up.  In more ways than one.



Message 12 of 16
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Tradie's Religious Beliefs Not Honoured By Transport Dept.

Religion justifies believing any crazy thing and still be tolerated. I'm glad there's no clause to state that you have to prove your religion to be true.

Message 13 of 16
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Tradie's Religious Beliefs Not Honoured By Transport Dept.

@**bob_on_the_go** wrote:

Religion justifies believing any crazy thing and still be tolerated. I'm glad there's no clause to state that you have to prove your religion to be true.

So don't be a slow learner. You can say and do what you please as long as you can hide behind religion. Don't be a slow learner. For instance you could say you detest people of the >name here< faith because your religion tells you to shun them.

Message 14 of 16
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Tradie's Religious Beliefs Not Honoured By Transport Dept.

"religion" has no place in the 21st century. All religious entities should be made to pay full tax and to have a  full disclaimer printed on all their propaganda that their beliefs are not to be taken seriously.


Religion is the opiate of the masses, who said that?

Message 15 of 16
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Tradie's Religious Beliefs Not Honoured By Transport Dept.

@**bob_on_the_go** wrote:

Religion justifies believing any crazy thing and still be tolerated. I'm glad there's no clause to state that you have to prove your religion to be true.

What justifies the faith healers? those people who come up with crazy ideas about cancer cures? special creams that "cure" everything.?

Food/diets that promise to save your life?

magic pills and shakes to make you thin?

Is it really any different?

Message 16 of 16
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