Treasury Still Working On Australian ‘Bail-In’ Law

Senior Treasury figures have confirmed to the Citizens Electoral Council that the “bail-in” legislation about which the CEC warned in its full-page advertisement in The Australian on 3 December, is still under preparation.


In response to the public’s concern, the officials claimed that “bail-in” does not apply to bank deposits, only to a new type of bank bond.


However, given the way bail-in has been applied around the world, and the Australian government’s own track record with bank deposits, the Australian people must demand to know exactly what will be in the legislation.


First, take the government’s approach to bank deposits. Abbott and Hockey are keeping the legislation that Rudd rammed through last year, to seize deposits in bank accounts that have been “inactive” for three years. A government source has revealed that Abbott and Hockey are keeping this measure, because the government is now dependent on this “revenue”.


Second, be aware of how bail-in has been implemented in other countries, under the supervision of the same IMF-Financial Stability Board-G20 nexus supervising it in Australia:


  • In March 2013 the IMF, European Commission and European Central Bank bailed in depositors in the major banks of Cyprus, when the impending failure of those banks threatened to ignite another wave of bank failures across Europe. Even though this seizure of deposits was for amounts above the guaranteed threshold of 100,000 euros, it so destroyed      confidence in the banking system that all accounts were frozen to avoid bank      runs, and Cyprus was plunged into financial chaos and economic collapse.


  • That same month the president of the Eurozone finance ministers, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, declared the Cyprus bail-in was now the “template” for the entire Eurozone.


  • On 13 October 2013 the IMF’s Fiscal Monitor report proposed a one-off, across-the-board seizure of 10% of the private wealth of the citizens of Europe, from their bank accounts, to reduce public debt.


  • The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has implemented its own bail-in policy called Open Bank Resolution, in which depositors have no protection, but like all “unsecured creditors” will see a portion of their accounts seized to keep the bank going.

The RBNZ brags that its OBR policy is aligned with the Financial Stability Board’s Key Attributes of....


Under the pressure they are getting from the public, the Australian government is trying to claim that its planned bail-in law doesn’t involve seizing deposits, but the public should not accept that reassurance until it is shown in writing in the legislation.


The CEC is leading the fight to force the government to come clean on this issue, and abandon any plans it has for depositor bail-ins.


From Here




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Treasury Still Working On Australian ‘Bail-In’ Law

Important topic. Is there any significant recent news about this? 

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Treasury Still Working On Australian ‘Bail-In’ Law

CEC Media Release Thursday, 8 March 2018:


The great bail-in cover-up underway


"Since they rushed through the APRA crisis resolution powers law on Valentines Day with just seven senators present and no formal vote, the government and financial authorities are working over time to cover up that they have just legislated what one expert has called “martial law” for the next financial crisis, under which Australians will lose their savings to prop up failing banks."


"APRA chairman Wayne Byres continued the cover-up in testimony to a Senate estimates hearing on 1 March.

Byres’ testimony was full of half-truths and outright deceptions, as he sought to duck questions relating to how APRA’s lax regulation of the banks has led to their reckless lending practices and consumer abuses. He was especially misleading in his responses to Senator Pauline Hanson, who grilled him on the APRA bail-in law."


"Senator Hanson opened by asking Byres about the government’s guarantee of deposits up to $250,000, the Financial Claims Scheme (FCS), which the government cites to claim that the law won’t bail in deposits."


Media Release Thursday, 8 March 2018. Read text if full here:

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Treasury Still Working On Australian ‘Bail-In’ Law

wow, I realy love some of their articles:     Energy Policy: Save People, Industries from Climate Change Hoax.


"Man-made global warming is a fraud. The so-called scientific “consensus” is a lie, designed to steamroll governments into adopting brutal policies that will shut down farming, manufacturing and energy industries, and kill millions of people. Numerous scientists the world over have publicly disputed the idea of man-made global warming, yet they are by-and-large blacked out of a media blizzard dominated by global warming entrepreneur Al Gore and his hand-picked ambassadors, such as Australia’s Tim Flannery."


"The CEC will develop an energy policy for Australia, which emphasises the rapid adoption of the new energy sources that are genuine technological advances on existing sources, as measured by energy density. Whereas solar and wind power are backward leaps from oil and coal, being of a far inferior energy density, nuclear fission and in the future nuclear fusion will be giant technological leaps forward. In terms of energy density, one cup of uranium, is the equivalent of a mountain of coal.



Believe what you like I guess

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