on 13-05-2014 01:22 AM
We do have an outright winner here.
Nicnacs with her adorable photo with 27 votes.
followed by a personal favourite of mine.
Katy on 18 votes
And with only one less vote. A beautiful photo from Sandypas with 17
on 13-05-2014 05:42 PM
I can tell you that Pimpy won the humorous one. I remember because she kindly gave me the next choice because she had won before and I came close.
on 13-05-2014 06:02 PM
The theme Alone is missing - winner j*oono
I will add the additions from here and ones I find, and post it next week, by then should have all the themes, if there are any more missing.
on 13-05-2014 06:04 PM
Quick search of some winners
Back when-cosmo
Australia is
on 13-05-2014 06:28 PM
Didn't take that long, knowing the theme names. Two winners I couldn't find, they didn't have green ticks in the photo threads ( Cold & Love) and I haven't found the winner is threads.
Theme | Winner |
Alone | j*oono |
A treasured gift | cat mioux |
Australia is | **meep** |
Back When | cosmosgrove |
Birthday Cakes | corgidogz06 |
Blue | freddie rooster |
Calendar | banoras |
Cold | |
Empty | joz*garage |
Fantasy | current week |
Flying | tende |
For the love of colour | cqtech |
Garden | ten*teeny*tiny*toes |
Happiness | lind |
Humorous | pimpy |
In the back of my cupboard | kopenhagen |
Inside | cqtech |
Love | |
Luxury | boris1gary |
Memorable Moment | nicnnacs |
Minimalist | lurker |
Nostalgia | katymatey* |
Passionate | meep |
Pattern | lurker17260 |
Portraiture in Monochrome | purple_haize |
Reflection | pimpy |
Round | dskracing |
Rust | roserobin12 |
Shoes | punchdrunk |
Sparkle | am*3 |
Two | lynny_oz |
Underneath | poddster |
Weather | purple_haize |
Yellow | dskracing |
on 13-05-2014 06:51 PM
@am*3 wrote:Didn't take that long, knowing the theme names. Two winners I couldn't find, they didn't have green ticks in the photo threads ( Cold & Love) and I haven't found the winner is threads.
Theme Winner Alone j*oono A treasured gift cat mioux Australia is **meep** Back When cosmosgrove Birthday Cakes corgidogz06 Blue freddie rooster Calendar banoras Cold Empty joz*garage Fantasy current week Flying tende For the love of colour cqtech Garden ten*teeny*tiny*toes Happiness lind Humorous pimpy In the back of my cupboard kopenhagen Inside cqtech Love Luxury boris1gary Memorable Moment nicnnacs Minimalist lurker Nostalgia katymatey* Passionate meep Pattern lurker17260 Portraiture in Monochrome purple_haize Reflection pimpy Round dskracing Rust roserobin12 Shoes punchdrunk Sparkle am*3 Two lynny_oz Underneath poddster Weather purple_haize Yellow dskracing
The list is a great idea as I wasn`t sure whether my theme had already been done before
on 13-05-2014 06:53 PM
I think Kopenhagen won the cold theme with lots of snow.
Great job btw, I can rest easy and put my not so much OCD as **bleep** Monica to bed.
on 13-05-2014 06:58 PM
on 13-05-2014 07:53 PM
Congrats Nicnac for a great picture. There were so many good ones for this topic. Millie says thanks Joono for giving her the funny bugga award.
on 13-05-2014 08:13 PM
Congrats to all the winners, Nic your photo was beautiful