Warming Seas Stir Crab Invasion

An invasion of European green crabs, encouraged by rising ocean temperatures,  is eating its way north through Maine's clam flats, threatening the US state's  third-largest fishery and an iconic summer treat for tourists.


"If something isn't done soon, it will mean the death of the clam fishery,"  said Chad Coffin, president of the Maine Clammers Association. "I don't think  people understand just how big a problem this is."


The invasive crabs likely reached U.S. shores in the early 1800s after  hitching a ride across the Atlantic on ships, according to scientists. Once  here, the crustaceans gradually worked their way to Maine, where they have been  present for at least a century.


Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/climate-change/warming-seas-stir-crab-invasion-20130531-2nfjp.html...


Last year, the state's hallmark $US350 million lobster industry was rocked by  drastically warmer spring water temperatures that threw off the timing of the  annual harvest, leading to a glut of early-season lobster and plummeting  prices.

Coffin said he recognizes the need for further study before cause and effect  can be established, but says clammers do not have the luxury of time.


"We used to take and expect Mother Nature to replenish, but that's a thing of  the past," he said, turning over a clump of mud to expose hundreds of scurrying  crabs. "Things are changing fast and it's getting out of control."


Sock don't like crabs, ay.






Darn good sock
Message 1 of 22
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Warming Seas Stir Crab Invasion

Warming of oceans is ruining our reef systems and seagrass beds depleting the southern coastal kelp forests and decimating giant cuttlefish numbers. the effects are devastating.


Message 2 of 22
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Warming Seas Stir Crab Invasion

You and Sock should try Greenpeace, LL:


Don't Dredge Our Reef!


"Outrageous! We’ve just received news that WITHIN WEEKS coal port companies could be allowed to rip enormous holes in the ocean bed of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area

Destructive dredging could cripple the local fishing industry and destroy the homes of turtles, dugongs and rare snubfin dolphins. Together we can stop this madness: sign our emergency petition to Environment Minister Tony Burke tell him to reject the dredgers, then LIKE & SHARE to take this campaign far and wide!"



Message 3 of 22
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Warming Seas Stir Crab Invasion

Warming of oceans is ruining our reef systems and seagrass beds depleting the southern coastal kelp forests and decimating giant cuttlefish numbers. the effects are devastating.



Says who and wher is it being said??



I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 4 of 22
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Warming Seas Stir Crab Invasion


Says who and wher is it being said??



there's some articles on this page of interest, so far as the cuttlefish and the southern coastline go.... the rest is as readily accessable if you care to look for it. for the reef, Google 'reef degradation acidification' etc and you will be able to access the information. same method for the rest,  look out for the fakers though, Many are Oil company funded through dummy foundations mostly, they even pay people to write the odd book.https://www.google.com.au/search?q=decline%20of%20giant%20cuttle%20fish%20kelp&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&channel=np&source=hp

Message 5 of 22
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Warming Seas Stir Crab Invasion

Ummm where does it mention warming oceans?



I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 6 of 22
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Warming Seas Stir Crab Invasion

Um there's no such thing as oceans. Just like you can't see co2 pollution and therefore it doesn't exist, you can't see oceans from a bunker. Obviously that's the truth.

Message 7 of 22
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Warming Seas Stir Crab Invasion

i guess i'll have to hope JMK pops in with some Pictures and Graphs etc. she seems to have a gift for this sort of thing.:-) i haven't managed to get you to read anything in the past.. so i was foolish to try. if you want an answer refer to my last answer. or try " carbon and ocean warming'  ' carbon and acidification of oceans'

Message 8 of 22
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Warming Seas Stir Crab Invasion

speak of the kangaroo.

Message 9 of 22
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Warming Seas Stir Crab Invasion

Um there's no such thing as oceans. Just like you can't see co2 pollution and therefore it doesn't exist, you can't see oceans from a bunker. Obviously that's the truth.


tasteless odourless etc.

Message 10 of 22
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