Weekly photo challenge. Theme is BROKEN


1. Photo Must be your own work

2. Creepy stuff like spiders and snakes must be put in a spoiler box. Please say what is in the box so people can decide whether to risk a peek or not.


Posting one photo per post makes it easier to kudo an entry. Multiple pics in a post are ok if they are part of a set or story line which I expect might be the case with this weeks theme.


 Challenge ends Monday 21st July, approx 9:30pm AEST (early Monday morn in USA, I think)

The poster who has the entry with the most kudos chooses the next theme


There will be a seperate thread for general chat about the photos



Keep an eye out for Wally, he looks like this wally.jpgand could be hiding anywhere.

If you find him you can award an extra vote to the photo of your choice.

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Weekly photo challenge. Theme is BROKEN

My collection of broken glass.I did have big ideas of making something out of it one day. That day has yet to come Smiley Frustrated Actually I think the floods have washed most of it away, so I'll have to start again.


cake 001.jpg

Message 81 of 105
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Weekly photo challenge. Theme is BROKEN

Ok, so that car, it's back left wheel went bush, and that bloke on the right, well he's galloping off to fetch it so they can put it back on and finish the race.


Cmud 055.jpg


Sorry for the poor quality, it was on the far side of the track and there was a lot of dust and stuff. There's not much colour because car and men is covered in mud.

Message 82 of 105
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Weekly photo challenge. Theme is BROKEN

Woman Sad




Message 83 of 105
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Weekly photo challenge. Theme is BROKEN

collected another bike this arvo. looks like a quality project and ive got all the bits







Signatures suck.
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Weekly photo challenge. Theme is BROKEN


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Weekly photo challenge. Theme is BROKEN

 My son brought me back this little souvenir of Santorini from his travels years ago.


I dropped it while dusting, also years ago, and stuck it back together with sticky tape, which I took off to take the pic.


Santorini Sans Wally.jpg


Now I better stick it back together again, lol.

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Weekly photo challenge. Theme is BROKEN

broken jug2.png

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Weekly photo challenge. Theme is BROKEN

Arrived damaged. Looks like someone stomped on it Smiley Frustrated


broken fatboy.jpg

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Weekly photo challenge. Theme is BROKEN

Broken chair put to good use....NOT!!


broken chair.JPG

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Weekly photo challenge. Theme is BROKEN


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