on 08-01-2013 07:40 PM
The ABC weather has just said we can expect snow on the midland mountains over the next 24 hours....
HUH? Haven't the mountains been told?
on 08-01-2013 07:42 PM
Snow would be good, Darkie, good luck with that!!:)x
on 08-01-2013 07:42 PM
It's probably to stop the Global warming deniers from panicking Darki.;-)
on 08-01-2013 07:45 PM
:^O ellie
on 08-01-2013 07:48 PM
Bring it on, bring it on .. yes please, what a relief that would be!
on 08-01-2013 07:52 PM
Tell you what though, if it really does snow tonight or tomorrow, we're getting in the car to be there in the mountains to see it .. :^O
on 09-01-2013 08:11 AM
Well it was 0˚ down here this morning! and yes the weatherman is still talking of snow in the midlands 🙂
on 09-01-2013 08:49 AM
No one has mentioned trbag? Maybe we just don't want to consider the possibility he could be right?:O
on 09-01-2013 09:25 AM
No one has mentioned trbag? Maybe we just don't want to consider the possibility he could be right?:O
Why should we mention him?
All he has done is plant fear in your mind and that is cruel.
on 09-01-2013 10:56 AM
what weird weather ! 😮
one extreme to another within a couple of days.