on 25-02-2015 08:46 PM
I am amazed and disgusted that in all the indignation over what Gillian Triggs should or shouldn't have done or who said or didn't say what to her, not ONE SINGLE POLITICIAN except, finally, Malcolm Turnbull, has commented in any way on the contents of her report..
She found that over a 15-month period from January 2013 to March 2014, spanning both the Labor and Coalition governments there were 233 recorded assaults involving children and 33 incidents of reported sexual assault.
If these findings are true - and as far as I know nobody has so far disputed them - then what is going to be done about it? Who had the duty of care? who is going to be held responsible. What measures are going to be put in place to stop this abuse happening in future?
Both Gillian Triggs and George Brandis are astute and comparitively wealthy adults able to instruct top legal practitioners to protect their reputaions - but who is going to protect the safety of these children? How many more children have been abused since March 2014? Is a child perhaps being abused in a detention centre even while you are reading this post?
Surely to goodness after all that was learned from the Children In Care Royal Commission this report cannot simply be put in a "don't want to know" basket while both sides of Pariament try to gain political mileage out the motives of the Human Rghts Commissioner or the behaviour of the Attourney General.
At some point -though probably not in the lifetime of this government or even the one that follows it - there will inevitably be a Royal Commission into the treatment of children in detention centre. what do you imagine its findings are likely to be?
on 25-02-2015 09:23 PM
@the_great_she_elephant wrote:
@vicr3000 wrote:
I want to know how many were abused from 2007 to Sept 2013 and what was done about it ?What difference would it make, is 233 not enough to shock you?
The reason the contents of the report hasn't been mentioned by any politicians (bar Turnbull) is because BOTH major parties know they have blood on their hands and neither of them are willing to admit it. That's why they are playing politics over who said or did what to whom and and why.
Turnbull is not the first to comment on the contents. I don't think he's the first coalition member to speak either although I might be mistaken. I'll try to remember who so I can search for a link.
25-02-2015 09:25 PM - edited 25-02-2015 09:27 PM
@vicr3000 wrote:
Not low, and if it was, you are a good teacher.
It was a very low act to bring that up. It has nothing to do with Ms Triggs position she holds now, nothing to do with her report and nothing to do with the topic of this thread.. what about the children (abuse of, in detention centres)
icy, is the first person to complain loudly if pollies children are brought into threads discussing their parents politicial activites.. yet goes and posts the above quick as a flash. Without even bothering to post any comments about the threads actual topic.
on 25-02-2015 09:26 PM
@vicr3000 wrote:
Why only since march 2014 ?
What about those abused 2007 - 2013 ?
What about them ?
Why no report ?
If you lsitened or read you would know.
You sound like Senator Macdonald who said he had no intention of reading the report because it is a political stitch up, or words to that effect.
There was an enquiry or report in 2012.
Here's a link, full of good information straight from the horses mouth with a good dose of sexist bullying for good measure..
on 25-02-2015 09:26 PM
on 25-02-2015 09:26 PM
If it was the parents who abused their kids then they have the 'duty of care'
The media ALWAYS try to sensationalise every happening. and the uninformed lap it up like manna from heaven.
That is very obvious here in this forum, the sequence is read, swallow, rush in where angel fear to tread.
25-02-2015 09:27 PM - edited 25-02-2015 09:28 PM
Have you read the HRC report poddster?
25-02-2015 09:28 PM - edited 25-02-2015 09:29 PM
@vicr3000 wrote:
Yes, i understand the timing.
Hide what happened under Rudd, Gillard by highlighting only what happened under abbott..
That is an example of the same level of stubborn demonstrated by Senators Macdonald and O'Sullivan and is so far from the truth it's ridiculous.
Btw, it does not hide anything that happened under the previous govt. It covers both.
on 25-02-2015 09:31 PM
@am*3 wrote:Have you read the HRC report poddster?
Obviously not. Nor did he see the interrogation of Triggs by the Senate committee.
on 25-02-2015 09:31 PM
on 25-02-2015 09:34 PM