on 25-06-2013 11:44 AM
$4 Bowl Sells For $75,000
An anonymous buyer who purchased an op shop bowl for $4 has sold it at auction for $75,640.
The vase, a 17th century Chinese ‘Liberation Cup’ from the Qing dynasty, is carved from rhinoceros horn and has been known to sell for as much as $200,000 on international markets.
The lucky buyer, who reportedly peruses op shops for hidden gems just like this one, thought he may have spotted a bargain when he saw the vase sitting on a Sydney op shop’s shelf.
A quick online search and an email to Sotheby's Auctioneers consultant Ann Roberts, who specialises in Asian Art, revealed the $4 'bowl' was worth substantially more than that.
With a large chip on its side, the bowl was initially valued at $20,000 - $30,000, but sold for much more. ($62,000 plus buyer's premium)
"He was very pleased”, Ms Roberts told Fairfax of the anonymous seller. "They don't look immediately attractive to the untrained eye."
The bowls are prized by collectors of Asian art, who will pay top dollar for objects carved from ivory or rhinoceros horn, which hold special value in Asian culture.
Among other items sold at the auction were two white jade pendants, sold for $19,520, and an ‘unusual’ dragon dish for $31,720.
In March, a Chinese ‘ding’ bowl, purchased in New York for $3, sold at Sotheby’s for $USD2.225 million.
on 25-06-2013 03:23 PM
yes but are they helping the needy, more like helping the greedy
on 25-06-2013 03:25 PM
Love watching those antique shows and seeing the amazed looks on faces when told their 5 pound buy is worth thousands.
Never walk past what may look like costume jewelry either.....a ring that had 3 huge stones found by my ex on Toorak Rd was thrown in the drawer being thought as a piece of costume jewelry. No markings on the band either showing it was gold. Years later a friend said to get it valued.....those stones were diamonds and valued at $9000!!!!!! We turned in to the police station but it was returned 3 months later after no one claimed it and no lost report was found. Sold it for $3000
on 25-06-2013 03:28 PM
yes but are they helping the needy, more like helping the greedy
We can only hope. I'm sure the people on the ground are sincere. What happens in the higher echelons is anybody's guess.
on 25-06-2013 03:57 PM
All I ever find in junk shops is other people's junk 🙂
on 25-06-2013 04:05 PM
Did you see this on the news?
Don't know how to send a proper link....
https://www.facebook.com/9News9 News · 2 hours ago. CASINO WAR: The Star has today unveiled a "re-vamp" plan worth more than a billion dollars. ..... HANDBAG HOLY GRAIL: Tonight, the $17,000 handbag discovered for sale in a local second-hand store. All the keen ...... Brendan Swift the $17 designer knock off will be available soon. 23 · Thursday at ...
on 25-06-2013 04:10 PM
A lot of the OP shops do have appraisers now, but occasionally something slips through. wow Twinks! what a great find was that! I don't think I've ever been lucky enough to come across any good jewelry.
Icy I would'nt buy that either, lol,
i tend to mainly stick to buying what I like & haven't made a fortune yet, not likely too either
on 25-06-2013 04:44 PM
I remember years ago in a St Vinnies op shop seeing two genuine Persian rugs , very dirty but
absolutely beautiful, selling for $20 each. Me and my big mouth told them they
were valuable and to get them appraised, and they thanked me very much.
They didn't appear back in there. Wonder what happened to them.
Me and my big mouth!
on 25-06-2013 04:50 PM
Hi Bright :-x
You did the right thing.
I wouldn't know a valuable Persian rug from any old Spotlight one lol.
on 25-06-2013 07:06 PM
most oppies are way to pricey now, people can go to kmart ect and buy same priced stuff brand new.
on 25-06-2013 07:54 PM
Yes that's true.
There's a Salvos at Gladesville here in Sydney that charges top dollar. I bought a (new unused) handbag there a cpl years ago, $15 from memory, the handle broke 3 days later, they have a no refund no exchange policy. The Vinnies just around the corner is just as pricey. I know they have overheads to meet, but geez...
I rarely go there.