on 25-06-2013 11:44 AM
$4 Bowl Sells For $75,000
An anonymous buyer who purchased an op shop bowl for $4 has sold it at auction for $75,640.
The vase, a 17th century Chinese ‘Liberation Cup’ from the Qing dynasty, is carved from rhinoceros horn and has been known to sell for as much as $200,000 on international markets.
The lucky buyer, who reportedly peruses op shops for hidden gems just like this one, thought he may have spotted a bargain when he saw the vase sitting on a Sydney op shop’s shelf.
A quick online search and an email to Sotheby's Auctioneers consultant Ann Roberts, who specialises in Asian Art, revealed the $4 'bowl' was worth substantially more than that.
With a large chip on its side, the bowl was initially valued at $20,000 - $30,000, but sold for much more. ($62,000 plus buyer's premium)
"He was very pleased”, Ms Roberts told Fairfax of the anonymous seller. "They don't look immediately attractive to the untrained eye."
The bowls are prized by collectors of Asian art, who will pay top dollar for objects carved from ivory or rhinoceros horn, which hold special value in Asian culture.
Among other items sold at the auction were two white jade pendants, sold for $19,520, and an ‘unusual’ dragon dish for $31,720.
In March, a Chinese ‘ding’ bowl, purchased in New York for $3, sold at Sotheby’s for $USD2.225 million.
on 25-06-2013 11:50 AM
sounds like they got a bargain.
on 25-06-2013 12:00 PM
Who else wishes they found that :^O
on 25-06-2013 12:02 PM
Now I know why I love browsing the oppies. 🙂
The best I found so far was a Swedish leaf shaped bowl for $3 got a bit over $200 for it from a buyer in England.
on 25-06-2013 12:50 PM
Looks like there are still some treasures out there, I would have thought all the good stuff would have been snapped up already
on 25-06-2013 01:14 PM
Icy, some of the Asian antiquities are worth an absolute fortune as you've just shown, I wouldn't know a valuable one if I fell over it
I wish I knew more about them
on 25-06-2013 03:10 PM
There's not as much around as there used to be, Hawk. The people running op shops have become quite internet savvy these days lol.
on 25-06-2013 03:12 PM
some even have antique dealers that they take stuff to
on 25-06-2013 03:14 PM
Icy, some of the Asian antiquities are worth an absolute fortune as you've just shown, I wouldn't know a valuable one if I fell over it
I wish I knew more about them
I'd probably have a better idea now after seeing the pic of that bowl in the link, Deb :^O
It even had a chip off the side! I don't think I'd had have bought that. I never knowingly buy chipped or cracked things.
I have seen those bowls on antiques roadshow before they estimate them quite highly.
on 25-06-2013 03:21 PM
some even have antique dealers that they take stuff to
I believe some have antique dealers come in to appraise their donations for value, Latina.
There's a glorified op shop in Marian just out of Mackay on the highway that fancies itself a antique shop who price their antiques and collectable at fairly high prices.
It's just a huge tin shed, but they have some very select items and designer clothes.
Fair enough, I suppose, they want to get top dollar for the various charities they represent. Not much good for resellers like me, of course 😄