on 11-06-2013 12:40 PM
So the rabbit has just raced in the house from the back yard faster than I have ever seen him run with this black thing running behind it. In the blur it looked like a panther!
It was a freaking cat!
I've just spent the last 20mins trying to make the terrified rabbit safe whilst trying to get this stray cat out of my house. I had to boot the cat to get him to move away from the rabbit. And then he wouldn't leave the house.
The rabbit refuses to come out of his hiding spot and my leg is bleeding from being clawed by this blooming cat.
What the heck! It's not like the rabbit is a tiny little thing that could be mistaken for a mouse.
Why can't people keep their stupid cats inside? I am sick to death of not being able to keep my own pets safe and secure in their own house because people allow their cats to roam during the day.
on 11-06-2013 02:37 PM
I will have you know my princess pussy is allowed to come and go at her pleasure. If she wants to be in, she's in. If she wants to sunbake outside she's outside. She meows and I race to open the door for her to enter or exit.
But yeah it's not fair Martini to have a cat chasing your rabbit or coming into you house.
prepare for a flogging
on 11-06-2013 02:37 PM
on 11-06-2013 02:39 PM
prepare for a flogging
And I wash bath towels after each use. No reusing in my house!
And I make guests take their shoes off.
Flog me.
on 11-06-2013 02:40 PM
I had my cat before it got all pc and unacceptable to let them outside but in saying that if I did (and I wont) get another cat it would be kept in an enclosure. Life has changed so much and everyone is living in each others backyards I can see how cats can become a problem.
on 11-06-2013 02:40 PM
I have to take a child to umpiring academy so I can't post from my phone but I'll read maybe if academy gets boring.
on 11-06-2013 02:41 PM
I had my cat before it got all pc and unacceptable to let them outside but in saying that if I did (and I wont) get another cat it would be kept in an enclosure. Life has changed so much and everyone is living in each others backyards I can see how cats can become a problem.
Yeah same. My cat is 17. Next one will have a run and stuff.
on 11-06-2013 02:43 PM
Rabbits stink! You better get it outside...yuck, vermin!
Do they?. I
I don't have one, but have always been led to believe they are very clean, easy to train to use the litter tray etc.
on 11-06-2013 02:47 PM
Yes I did finally get the cat out but only after a lot of hissing and lashing out at me. I don't like to hurt animals but I had to literally kick him like a football out of each room.
God I hate cats.
I disagree that "kicking him like a football" was the only way you could have got him out of each room.
Once you had picked up your rabbit surely you could have just chased the cat out.
I hate animal cruelty.
on 11-06-2013 02:47 PM
The day I moved into this house I found a spray bottle labeled 'Cats Off,' or something like that, under the kitchen sink. Now I know why. There must be at least half a dozen cats that lurk in my back yard. 😐 They even peer through the french doors at my indoor cats.
I have indoor/cat enclosure cats only. They are happy and content.
I won't ever have an outdoor cat again having lost a beloved kitty to feline AIDS.
on 11-06-2013 02:49 PM
Rabbits stink! You better get it outside...yuck, vermin!
Umm. No. They clean themselves.?:|
It's dogs that stink. Particularly those poor blighters that have been washed to the enth degree that their coats have no natural defenses left to mask their body odour .