What are your thoughts

On a 21 year old woman dating a 15 year old boy,,,,,,,, its wrong isn't it.

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Were there is a will..........................there is a relative.

Message 241 of 259
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Lion not yet, but they will hook up, those youngins its all they do LOL



Hi Crystal, Maybe you will come back and tell us when you have knowledge that women has hooked up with the boy ? 

Though I kind of doubt that you would if you know the 21yr old.

Message 242 of 259
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 Dorts friend is 17 yr old young lady whose whole family attends a born again "handclapper" church. She has just finished yr 12 and has had a 43 yr old boyfriend (who is 6 months older than her step father) from the same church group (secretly) for 18months.


The young lady had been sexually active with males around her age since 14 and after an unwanted pregnancy and subsequent termination was more or less imprisoned by her mother and stepfather after they found out and only allowed unchaperoned  social interaction within the church group and disallowed most other social interaction.


I have personally chaperoned my daughter and her on the few occasions since the faux pas and "lock in" that she was allowed to attend partys and was required by the parents to meet extremely strict guidelines and deadlines which allowed her during her final year of high school to interact with young people more her own age




dort and her other friends refer to him as Pedo Pete and not one of them that I have spoken to can understand or condones/recognises the relationship... some of them are just plain scared of him


It is a seriously creepy sight being at a rave venue at 4 or 5am in the morning and seeing 300 kids/young adults under 25 and a ghandful of over 25s at the same venue pretending they are still kids.


They have since been outed and the parents appear to condone and have helped propogate the relationship

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 243 of 259
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I just double checked and it's the same.I read the lasted here while not signed in and it showed 11 pages.Showing as 5 signed in ?

Message 244 of 259
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Like you mailorder, I always have a laugh when parents of teenagers say "I have a close relationship with my teen and s/he tells me everything so I know my 18 yo hasn't had sex/taken drugs/done something stupid". Yeah right! 


I certainly didn't do any of those things when I was 18. Didn't drink before 18, didn't start going clubbing until my early 20s 


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
Message 245 of 259
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It is a seriously creepy sight being at a rave venue at 4 or 5am in the morning and seeing 300 kids/young adults under 25 and a ghandful of over 25s at the same venue pretending they are still kids.


Are you saying that if you're over 25 and you go to a rave where under 25s will be attending, then you must be a pedo? Are people over 25 not allowed to enjoy dance music?


Or was your use of the word "rave" just used as a generic term for dance parties?


I'm not sure what you're saying, in pubs/clubs there are ages ranging from 18 upwards, does that make everyone over 25 a pedo for wanting to be at a venue where there are under 25s?


What do you mean by the word "rave venue"?


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
Message 246 of 259
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21? Not a problem as long as it does not involve sex.



Then again if its a 21 guy dating your 15 year old teenage daughter you may act differently.



Message 247 of 259
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She had a date with him the other night at her place, she lives alone.

Message 248 of 259
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What are your thoughts




Hahaha, Crystal, you are a stirrer!  Just drop a one liner!  

Message 249 of 259
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This situation came up on the Dr Phil show the other day except it was a 14 yo and a 21 yo.  Totally irresponsible and he called it negligence failure to appropriately protect a minor.  Totally agree.


If you think sex is not involved at this stage, good chance is if it isn't now it will be in the future.  No parent in their right mind takes that chance, we are supposed to protect our children not allow them to put themselves in at risk situations and call it maturity.

Message 250 of 259
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