What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

Think I will go and play two up, lost on the pokies tonight so want to get that back. Smiley Very Happy

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What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

@i-once-was-bump wrote:

@azureline** wrote:
In bed. Antibiotics, book and waited on

Me too.


I have played about 500 games of solitare on my phone, I have got up only to lie down on the lounge, then decided that wasn't comfortable so went back to bed.


I have checked the ebay forums about 100 times, my mother dropped off some groceries for me, she was worried I might run out of cat food and she thought it would be terrible for the cat to go hungry (as if).


I watched Northanger Abbey on TV (too lazy to find a DVD to watch), went back to sleep,

checked to forums again and so on ........................

hope you feel better tomorrow. I have an ear infection................ too much swimming with children...........

Both ears blocked, one ringing. Tonight I feel better, one ear anyway!

Message 31 of 40
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What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

Lucky you were not swimming with sharks or crocks ๐Ÿ™‚

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 32 of 40
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What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

swimming with 5 children is about the same!

Message 33 of 40
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What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

Have you counted you fingers, toes and other appendages since you swam ?

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 34 of 40
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What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

We won't be celebrating anymore...I've read too much from those who claim to have taken refuge in our Country ...and show by their own words and attitudes about Asylum seekers and multiculturalism and them not assimilating that they themselves haven't assimilated in perhaps the only way they really needed to when they came to our diverse Country.

They fear and create fear from  'outsiders' changing our Country yet by their very attitudes and words....they are doing that themselves from within.Trying to change the Law of our land ...which is about acceptance of differences .

Why bring the very thing (the attitudes) you needed to escape from here ? 

How ever long people waited in camps  ...I'm sorry and I'm sorry that you had to go through what you went through.

Your experiences however will not make me resent and hate anyone or any group of people .

That would make me cruel and bitter 




edit: NB some are so very grateful ,tolerant and caring as a result of what they go through ...others just Bitter not Better

Message 35 of 40
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What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

the beauty of a free country. You dont have to celebrate, in some countries you could be shot for not celebrating or worse, being related to the wrong person.

Gotta love our beautiful country

Message 36 of 40
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What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

We were going to go to the Survival Day celebrations but had a delightful change of plans when my best friend dropped by.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 37 of 40
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What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

@margomeoz wrote:

Well as it turns out I had a little bit of bad luck, my husband ended in a bad mood because of it so I went to the movies with a friend.


Really starting to worry about the amount of things I forget and hopoe it is just because i have so many things at once on my mind.


We were getting ready to go to the club and my husband looked out the window and said the car is gone, I said gone where what do you mean, he said it is not in the driveway, we called the police and reported it stolen and sat around waiting for something to happen.


2 hours later I remembered where the car was I had driven over to the shoop because I had to get a few heavy things, forgot I had driven and walked home.


This is not the first time I have done this.



OOhhh margo not the first time, i do remember having a chat with you about this in the past


could it have something to do with your post here  http://community.ebay.com.au/t5/Community-Spirit/3-bottles-of-champange-and-a-bag-of-kettle-chips/m-...





Message 38 of 40
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What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

Margo, a nurse who works in geriatrics once said a very reassuring thing to me. She said 'If you get dressed in the morning and forget to put your knickers on, that's having a senior moment. if you take your knickers out of the drawer  and can't remember what you are supposed to do with them - that's dementia'. I'm pretty sure your car incident was only  a senior moment..

Message 39 of 40
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What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

That is so true She_el.  Forgetting that you took the car is a seniors moment.  Getting in the car and forgetting how to start and drive it is dementia.

I think it happens when you just have too much on your mind.

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