on 05-05-2013 01:00 PM
With all the travelling Australians do tropical diseases are becoming rife here but our doctors know nothing about them.
This I know for a fact.
One friend of mine ended up with a worm inside her that lay dormant for 6 months then she got cold like symptoms and the runs plus stomach pain.
Doctors here kept giving her antibiotics which did nothing for her, she was lucky enough to go back to Bali
ended up in hospital because she could stand the pain no longer, they were going to remove her appendix
which she still has but they found a worm which had eaten most of her large intestines.
Had she not gone to Bali she would be dead.
Then there is 2 other friends of mine who came with me 2 months ago
Both ended up with a thing called chikungunya a really nasty disease caused by an infected mossie,
This originated in Africa and moved to Asia, the best you can hope for with this is to be left with severe
A girl who works for me has Limes disease which she caught here as she has never been out of Australia.
I was pretty lucky and only got bitten by a spider and got cellulitis in my right leg but it will get better I hope.
But my point is the doctors here do not recognize any of those diseases here they have to send blood to America to find out what is wrong and they deny we even have limes disease in Australia.
With our multi cultural society I feel they should all be taking courses in tropical diseases and doing a lot more to find cures for them.
on 05-05-2013 01:08 PM
There are quite a few Tropical Disease specialists about and even GP specialists.....the thing is to educate GPs to think laterally beyond typical symptoms and refer to these guys or seek advice from them.
on 05-05-2013 01:15 PM
One friend has been in hospital for 4 weeks had MRI's Scans all kinds of things but they are missing the main problem or a cure of some kind.
on 05-05-2013 01:26 PM
on 05-05-2013 02:25 PM
No sandy it's not they say it is not here, my girl gets her medication from the US at a lot of expense to herself.
Her 3 children have also tested positive to it being young they may be easier to cure.
on 05-05-2013 02:56 PM
I see all sorts of tests for tropical bugs... it is because of the foreign doctors that we have and they know the symptoms...
They have saved the lives of many Aussies 😄
on 05-05-2013 03:04 PM
Limes Disease can be caused by ticks common in lots of areas of Australia so I thought it would be well known by our medicos.
Lymes disease is not considered to be an Australian caught disease...
that is the problem. Too many people can't get the test as it is often refused as they have not travelled outside Australia.
This is one fact sheet from NSW... but it basically suggests that if your patient has not travelled we won't do the test..
on 05-05-2013 03:20 PM
yes, Lyme disease is a serious concern for many people. I believe my OH contracted it in Northern NSW but the doctors have refused to consider it. His symptoms fit and he has severe reactions to tick bites.
on 05-05-2013 04:05 PM
You need to be insisting az it is a very bad thing to have many days my girl has to wear sun glasses even inside.
She has found some place in Surry hills that have done a little for her but the major help is coming from the Us.
Cat no doctor here has even heard of chikungunya.
I was just talking to Barbie and today she is riddled with arthritis swollen legs and so much pain she can't move.
5 weeks ago she had no arthritis in her body.
on 10-05-2013 07:40 AM
To those who are interested.......
There is going to be a discussion on Lyme disease on Radio National Breakfast after 8am this morning. The preamble said that health authorities in Australia continue to say there is no evidence that it is in this country.