Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?


Gosh, I had no idea that she was the daughter of media tycoon Robert Maxwell 


Heck, where have I been?

Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?  Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich | Netflix
May 30, 2020
15.6M subscribers
On one hand, Ghislaine Maxwell was known as a graceful socialite. On the other, according to her accusers, she was a woman who lurked at the edge of high society, scouting and procuring young women to give to Jeffrey Epstein. Here's the enduring mystery of Ghislaine Maxwell. Watch Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, Only on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/80224905 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7





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Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?


Message 51 of 91
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Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

Well, there are connections between the Epstein-Maxwells and the Trumps and Clintons. IMO, none have the qualities that make them a good representative of the people.

Message 52 of 91
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Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

@supermussolinibros wrote:

lets bring abramovic home to meet grandma and grandpa, she's a lovely family friendly individual

Why not? I'm a grandma and I'd have no problem inviting her into my home . I hope you're not sugesting she'd  try to grab me by the p*ssy?

Message 53 of 91
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Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

You missed this one Kaz.


images (44).jpeg


She is his daughter. 

Message 54 of 91
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Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

@domino-710 wrote:

You missed this one Kaz.


images (44).jpeg


She is his daughter. 

Probably photoshopped.

Message 55 of 91
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Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

@icyfroth wrote:

Probably photoshopped.

Yes, possibly........but these rather inappropriate comments add to its authenticity (and it's creepyness)


  • Back when Ivanka was just 16 years old, she’d hosted the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant. According to The Independent, Trump turned to Miss Universe and asked her, “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?”


  • During an interview on The View, Trump willingly engaged in conversation about Ivanka posing for Playboy. After noting, “I don’t think Ivanka would [pose nude] inside the magazine,” he added, “She does have a very nice figure.” He claimed, “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”


  • Apparently, Trump’s fascination with Ivanka started well before she was an adult.  When Ivanka was just thirteen years old, in an interview with Washington Post, her father asked, “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”


  • During an interview with In Touch in 2011, Stormy Daniels (a porn star who Trump had an affair with) admitted that Trump once compared her to Ivanka. “He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful and smart just like his daughter,” she said.
Message 56 of 91
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Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

@*kazumi* wrote:


I do not think there is any evidence Bill or Hillary visited the island.  That is just something made up by the Russian trolls, along the claims that they sell children from basement of Pizza Shop.  Although Bill did travel on Epstein's plane to the Caribbean, accompanied by 1/2 dozen of his staff, both male and female, following earthquake or some other catastrophe, when his charity was providing aid.  While these sorts of allegations have been around social media NONE of the newspapers picked them up.  Ever wonder why? 
Yes, Bill had numerous affairs, none with anybody anywhere near underage. 


That is the problem; Epstein was well known philanthropist, he donated heaps of money, sent his jet to help with aid relief, and hosted numerous fund raising functions.  While, some of the people he associated were involved in his illegal activities, thousands who knew him, were not. 


Of course, none of that excuses Epstein raping children, none of that excuses Ghislaine for her involvement, but lets make this clear, the reason this all is now coming out in open is because handful of the women claiming they were trafficked by Epstein want to get their hands on the still substantial Epstein estate.  I do realize that legally having a sex with child is considered a rape, but these girls were not "sex slaves" in the way that the Asian or East European girls, who are brought in illegally  with promise of factory or domestic position jobs, only to be raped and beaten, given drugs and kept locked up until they "pay off the debt" for being smuggled into the western country.  The Epstein girls were paid thousands of dollars; at least that is what Virginia  Giuffre said.  She claimed in an interview she got $12 000 for having sex with Prince Andrew.  By then she was nearly 18, and she claims she was being trafficked since she was 13; there must be very many very powerful man she had sex with when she actually was a child; so why the only one she is constantly bringing up is the prince?  I am not particularly fond of the RF, actually I am a republican (although looking at the various leaders of countries, somehow having the Queen is rather reasuring), but I feel there is something else going on.  


Well, regardless of what the Russian trolls are saying, there is mounting evidence that there was a deep association between Bill and Jeff and Ghislane.



Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell: an uncomfortable connection
Maxwell’s arrest raises awkward questions about the former president’s friendship with the financier



Things are never as they appear or they are worse than they appear. Many people would be just as surprised to learn about the friendship between Clinton and Bush, Snr. as they would with Maxwell and Epstein.


George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton



I'd say that the association between Clinton and the Epstein-Maxwells was deeper than many realize.

Message 57 of 91
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Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

I find it interesting that you have gone from allegedly not knowing who Ghislaine Maxwell is to knowing everything about her relationships with everybody, in a matter of weeks.

Message 58 of 91
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Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

Re: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

in reply to *kazumi*


@supermussolinibros wrote:



sorry clinton admitted to being on the plane to eppsteins island four times but when company aircraft records were examined it was 27 or 29 times.  The recent untruth is that Bill Gates visited multiple times.


The recent netflix documentary i guess is a russian troll effort, but even that documentary tries to cover things over to make it look less worse.


Washington(bezos) post/NY Times has been trying to defend clinton (wonder why?cash for comments?) they both hate trump and love the democrats


Eppstein even donated money to the clinton foundation.


And what about Abramovic and the clintons - you don't find it a bit strange going to her functions, as did obama.

There's truth in what you say supermussolinibros! Politics is like the music business. There are leaches hanging around in the music business shadows that make a living about getting musicians hooked. But if we were to think that was all that there is to this then we're so wrong.

In politics there are leaches like the Epstein-Maxwells, the Savilles and etc.. I believe there was allegedly an Australian version of this in the 70s and 80s etc..

Message 59 of 91
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Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?

i'm glad that there is a voice of sensibility here amongst the sickos.


kazumi would probably post baby photos of ivanka and claim "look look he's sick'


have worked with a lot of africans in the past who said obama was an abomination and hillary was more of the same.


washington post? everyone knows bezos hates trump and will print anything against him


she elephant is probably the sort of person that was outraged by johannes leak latest cartoon- but has a short memory of biden commenting on brown and black girls-surprised you didn't start a thread about your outrage

Message 60 of 91
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