Will Work For Dole Work?

The federal government's planned revival of the work-for-the-dole scheme won't help people into jobs and could take jobs from paid workers, critics say.


But the government says it's more concerned with helping the unemployed learn "soft skills" and getting them job-ready.


Under the coalition's planned work-for-the-dole expansion, Newstart recipients will be forced to complete some tasks which may include rubbish collection, park maintenance and gardening and painting at aged care facilities.


The scheme would be compulsory and anyone who refused would lose their Newstart payment.


"We're looking for ways in which we can create more work-like placements, such as placing jobseekers with organisations (like) local councils, where they could work in a team environment with people on various council activities," Assistant Minister for Employment Luke Hartsuyker told AAP on Monday.


While no date has been fixed, the scheme will be operational in the next financial year.


The government will pay "host" organisations to cover the costs of job requirements like workers compensation, health and safety training or police checks.


The Australian Council of Social Services said it was concerned the scheme would require individuals to work below the minimum wage, based on the Newstart rate of $35 a day.


The Australian Services Union said it could put paid workers out of a job if organisations could get free labour under Newstart.

But Mr Hartsuyker says that won't happen.


The scheme would not displace paid work and paid opportunities, he said.


The opposition has slammed the proposal, saying it could increase the unemployment rate.


Labor MP Andrew Leigh said a Melbourne University study conducted under the Howard government showed the scheme didn't help people into jobs.


"It ended up diverting people from job-search activities into work-for-the-dole activities," he said.


Mr Hartsuyker said the government's focus was on getting people into jobs by teaching them "soft skills".


"It's as simple as turning up to work everyday and being appropriately presented."


Link To Article


I think it's right that ppl should work for the dole. You?

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139 REPLIES 139

Will Work For Dole Work?

@purple_haize wrote:

@para-sights wrote:

Yes there is an insignificant few that probably sustain a life on benefits but they would be marginal. To label an entire generation/s, especially those unfortunate to be currently unemployed, is a bit harsh. It would be like arguing against increased pensions because old people will just spend it on pokies

I was referring to young ones that live in a couple of suburbs, here in Melbourne, Belgrave is full of hippies, they dont wish to work and prefer to live on the dole.


I have a 20yr old step son, who doesnt work and doesnt wish to and there are lots of them around just like him......

Belgrave full of hippies that don't work? Many of these so called hippies actually are self employed, growing vegies, making sellable crafts etc. They do the rounds of markets. Seen often at St Andrews market for example. Just because the dress casual and comfy and not in suits doesn't make them dole bludgers. I know a few 😉


Message 61 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

That makes him sound like a drug dealer or pp or something!
I assure you his business is legal and respectable 🙂

Creator of the Most Awesome Thread Topic EVER
Message 62 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

In years gone by when my small retail business was seeking staff, I specifically stated that in the first instance they apply in person to the newspaper advertisement (not having given a phone number).  Some of the applicants rang.  "Wasn't I clever finding your phone number?"  My response was "yes, but you don't follow instructions".  


I am sure some of the jobseekers were ringing from their beds "looking for a job" just to fill in their logbooks.



Message 63 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

Sounds like they could be supplementing the dole.  At least they are supplying to a market that wants their product.





Message 64 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

@twinkles**stars wrote:

@purple_haize wrote:

@para-sights wrote:

Yes there is an insignificant few that probably sustain a life on benefits but they would be marginal. To label an entire generation/s, especially those unfortunate to be currently unemployed, is a bit harsh. It would be like arguing against increased pensions because old people will just spend it on pokies

I was referring to young ones that live in a couple of suburbs, here in Melbourne, Belgrave is full of hippies, they dont wish to work and prefer to live on the dole.


I have a 20yr old step son, who doesnt work and doesnt wish to and there are lots of them around just like him......

Belgrave full of hippies that don't work? Many of these so called hippies actually are self employed, growing vegies, making sellable crafts etc. They do the rounds of markets. Seen often at St Andrews market for example. Just because the dress casual and comfy and not in suits doesn't make them dole bludgers. I know a few 😉


Yes Twinkle, I know that alot of them are self employed,............I was reffering to the younger ones 17, 18,19yr olds. I live up here in the hills, when I go to Belgrave on week days, they are all at the pub or sitting around the street.


I know a few as well, some of my grandsons friends parents are hippies.

My nephew works in Belgrave............he sees the ones that hang around all day smoking and drinking.

Message 65 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

@lurker17260 wrote:
If any of you saw one of my sons you would probably label him a lay about hippy bludger, based on his appearance and the fact he is often around when most people are in regular work.
He is actually however a part owner of a VERY successful and highly profitable business, who works strange irregular (long) hours
We can't always judge a book by its cover.

No, you cant judge a book by its cover................I was referring to the ones that hang out with my stepson, my nephew works in Belgrave, and he sees the young ones who dont work and there are alot just hanging around doing nothing, except drinking and smoking, I have seen it for myself.

Message 66 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

@purple_haize wrote:

@lurker17260 wrote:
If any of you saw one of my sons you would probably label him a lay about hippy bludger, based on his appearance and the fact he is often around when most people are in regular work.
He is actually however a part owner of a VERY successful and highly profitable business, who works strange irregular (long) hours
We can't always judge a book by its cover.

No, you cant judge a book by its cover................I was referring to the ones that hang out with my stepson, my nephew works in Belgrave, and he sees the young ones who dont work and there are alot just hanging around doing nothing, except drinking and smoking, I have seen it for myself.

Just because you see them hanging around does not automatically mean they do not want a career or working life.

They often don't handle rejection well and get disheartened after a series of rejections.  

Hanging around shopping centres part of the time doesn't mean they don't apply before they go out.





Message 67 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

@purple_haize wrote:

 my nephew works in Belgrave, and he sees the young ones who dont work and there are alot just hanging around doing nothing, except drinking and smoking, I have seen it for myself.

How can anybody who gets $200 (?) a week spend all day drinking and smoking?  They just could not afford to do that, they can hardly afford rent & food.  Unless their parents are stupid enough to support them. 


By the way, when i first bought this house i assumed that the people next door were on the dole; well, they were home all day I could hear them talking in their garden.  When I finally met them I realised that he is a very highly qualified person working at night.  His wife was at home as she was due to have a baby, and then stayed at home for couple of years with her.  I was so ashamed that I jumped into conclusion. 🙂


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 68 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?



Transport spatial mismatch in rural and regional areas could severely impair a jobseekers capability to work for the




Just physically searching for a job generally chews up any "extra" money in transport costs.


When the school buses do not run ie school holidays...judging by those hitchhiking early in the morning with high vis vests wearing work gear....


just getting to paid work is  a mission.... let alone getting to a work for the dole venue....


page 16 of the PDF

Jenny* is an 18 year old student who lives in Kyogle in the Northern Rivers.


She is in the first year of her Bachelor of Science degree and attends Southern Cross University in Lismore four days a week. Distance 1 way is 43kms.


As a full time student Jenny is entitled to a half fare concession on her bus travel. It costs Jenny $4.70 one way to travel from Kyogle to Lismore to attend classes, or $9.40 return.


This adds up to $37.60 per week. Jenny receives Austudy and spends almost 25% of this income travelling to Uni.


The only bus available to Jenny is the local school bus which leaves Lismore at 2pm and is only available on weekdays.


Jenny has negotiated with the University to be able to leave most days by 2pm, but occasionally needs to stay later for some classes.


This means she has to catch a taxi home at a cost of $120. She has thought about moving to Lismore but has lived in Kyogle all her life and has friends and family there.


She currently lives rent free with a family member in Kyogle and if she moved to Lismore she would find it difficult to meet the cost of renting accommodation.


Jenny is determined to finish her degree but sometimes the difficulties with transport make her feel like giving up.

The Northern Rivers Social Development Council’s recent Youth Census also found that in response to the open question

‘What could make transport better for young people?’ 47% identified better, more affordable public transport as the most important thing.Given the high cost of public transport in rural and regional areas, combined with reduced access to transport services,


NCOSS contends that the Government should consider more generous concession entitlement in rural and regional areas.


Welfare outcomes of migration of low income earners from metropolitan to non-metropolitan Australia

The study design focused on income support recipients (aged, unemployed, disabled, sole parents) since these people are likely to most sharply embody the sorts of considerations just referred to. Operationally this choice makes it efficient to identify a sample of movers since FaCS databases enable direct identification of movers from metropolitan postcodes to selected non-metropolitan localities.

See more at: http://www.ahuri.edu.au/publications/projects/p70066#sthash.hQ2mgw2I.dpuf

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 69 of 140
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Will Work For Dole Work?

Something has got to be done. This may or may not work, but at least the problem is being addressed.



 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
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