on 26-02-2014 09:13 AM
This witless little incompetent should be sacked, removed from the Labor party and Shorten should distance the party from this pathetic union hack.
This, on the day Labor was shown up for their shameful defence of Craig Thomson, now we are subjected to this appalling insulting of an honourable serving Officer on national TV and not having the intestinal integrity to apologise for his attack:
THE government has demanded Bill Shorten discipline frontbencher Stephen Conroy for breaking with convention in a “cowardly”, “unprovoked” and “outrageous” attack on a senior serving army officer.
Coalition senator Ian Macdonald shut down a Senate estimates hearing after Senator Conroy, Labor’s defence spokesman, launched an extraordinary attack on the head of the government’s border protection operation, Lieutenant General Angus Campbell, accusing him of being involved in a political cover-up.
Senator Conroy likened General Campbell to the fictitious Colonel Nathan Jessup from the movie A Few Good Men for his approach to restricting the flow of information on the interception of asylum-seeker boats.
“That is called a political cover-up, a political cover-up, you are engaged in a political cover-up,” Senator Conroy yelled from the bench.
The most bitter exchange began after General Campbell said it was necessary to keep details of Operation Sovereign Borders secret to avoid damaging Australia’s relations with its neighbours and to prevent people-smugglers from gaining an advantage.
Senator Conroy retorted: “Can’t we handle the truth?”
General Campbell responded: “It kind of sounds like a movie, senator.”
Senator Conroy: “It is a movie, and we are living it, Colonel Jessup. I mean seriously, you can’t tell us the truth, you can’t tell the Australian public the truth because you might upset an international neighbour. That is called a political cover-up.”
General Campbell remained calm during the incident but said he wanted to put on the public record that he took “extreme offence at that statement”.
on 26-02-2014 09:22 AM
Conroy may be 100% correct.
on 26-02-2014 09:23 AM
on 26-02-2014 09:29 AM
@donnashuggy wrote:I thought it was a valid attack considering how the public are treated.
It's wilful and viscious slander
on 26-02-2014 09:30 AM
Mmm, So Conroy behaved in a similar manner that some LNP members behaved for 3 years and now it's an outrage.
on 26-02-2014 09:31 AM
on 26-02-2014 09:48 AM
I think that before anyone makes further comment, they might want to take a look at the Defence Force Discipline Act, and that particular that part of the Act which makes it an offence for defence force personal to criticise government policy.
on 26-02-2014 09:53 AM
but it isn't an offence for conroy to criticise when he gets stonewalled, its his job.
on 26-02-2014 09:57 AM
@icyfroth wrote:
@donnashuggy wrote:I thought it was a valid attack considering how the public are treated.
It's wilful and viscious slander
not under privelege, and not if conroy is correct . it isn't possible to know unless the veil of secrecy is lifted. only when and if the operational details are available is it possibble for you to be correct. right now you dont know.
on 26-02-2014 09:59 AM
So this so called political cover up, would that be the same as the Labor cover up of Craig Thomson?
The go slow of FWA under Rudd/Gillard that saw him sit in parliament for years, saw him finally expelled from the Labor party when Gillard could no longer give him her support for a very long long long time?
Would this be the same type of cover up when Labor gave him $350.0000 dollars for his legal defence?
Would this be the same kind of cover up when Shorten told the whistle blower to "move on, remember your career"?
Would this be the same kind of cover up that saw Thomson pre selected when Labor knew he was dirty?
All those on here who are spouting this shameful slur against a decorated Officer are the same one's who, for years, defended Thomson.