on 26-06-2013 09:44 AM
Well, looks like it's going to happen in the next 24 hours or so.
I think Rudd will get in. I think it will be all over by tomorrow at the latest.
What do you reckon?
on 26-06-2013 10:04 AM
I think the above link is a pointer on how the Labor party should deal with this person.
on 26-06-2013 10:06 AM
its behind a paywall.. how sad.
on 26-06-2013 10:29 AM
Well, what do you think will happen?
Will Gillard call for a vote?
Is the petition going round yet?
Will there be any other challengers (please, not Crean)?
What do you want to happen?
on 26-06-2013 10:44 AM
I think Rudd will only take it on if they ask him to come back in majority....what was done to him was disgraceful and extremely un ALP.....memories of Gough flooding into the minds of those who witnessed similar treachery....
I don't think they'll win with Julia, but I also don't think it would be a landslide to Tony either....like Fraser any thinking person is figuring out how to skew his power in the senate, to make their vote useful.
If Rudd's at the helm, then Tony might wanna duck for cover, because Kevin doesn't pull punches....he'll get as good as he gives then & at the very worst, we may end up with a hung parliament again.
In my view there's nothing toxic about a hung parliament...in fact it's democracy in action, and probably more representative than one party vs another.....bring it on. what we've seen int he past 3 years is a whole lot of partisan pollies who CLEARLY can't work in the democratically voted STRUCTURE they were given to work in....it was EVERYTHING or NOTHING mentality. I can't believe the Govt has managed to get thru so much vital legislation....
on 26-06-2013 10:47 AM
I don't know what will happen today, but, in the very near future, you should all be watching little Billy Shorten, his hands are behind his back and they are loaded for a huge spill.
on 26-06-2013 10:52 AM
Oh, (((Cue))) ...
I don't think the ALP has much choice ... it's pretty stark, elect Rudd, or go into the wilderness.
I think the parliament's been pretty well run with the independents and Greens ... I was so sick of the party in power having the numbers and there being such little bipartisanship shown on almost all issues.
I think the independents and Greens have been so much more effective than the Democrats when they had the balance of power over the GST.
And, I hope Rudd tells the powers behind the scenes to go away and stop controlling him. And, I hope he doesn't lose his personality again.
on 26-06-2013 10:59 AM
I don't know what will happen today, but, in the very near future, you should all be watching little Billy Shorten, his hands are behind his back and they are loaded for a huge spill.
Hi Miss Linda.....Shorten won't move for power in this climate..he'd prefer to be in opposition building his own reputation from scratch, and just thinking about it....maybe that was his plan all along....seems to me he's the one at the heart of all this de-stabilisation of the ALP (along with Tony of course). Misery loves company.
From what I understand Rudd got done in because he gave the Bureaucrats no quarter....I can't find anything wrong with that....the 'Yes Minister' bureaucracy is the problem....the govt changes but they NEVER DO.....so it's BS as usual. clean the lot out I reckon...go Rudd.
on 26-06-2013 11:05 AM
Morning Katy....I agree....Kevin needs to keep his personality about him, particularly in this day and age....blimey, Keating, Hawkie and others would never have given a flying fox.....back then, our pollies had personality to burn....and burn them we did...
on 26-06-2013 11:10 AM
Linda, I agree ... but I'm hoping Shorten will just fade awayyyyyy if Rudd gets to be leader again.
Cue, having been a public servant, I disagree somewhat ... different departments vary, but some are run absolutely well, for their ministers, staff and the public.