Young Robert Irwin Interview on Mix with Sami Lukis.

Must say I'm learning to tolerate the Yumi and Sami Breakfast show. At first it was all girly stuff - marriage, relationships, childbirth, breastfeeding, cute kids etc, but they've settled in now and I find I can bear listening to them.


This morning was a double treat. First, they got young Robert on the line.


Q.There's so much material around of your Dad, do you ever watch the videos?

A. Yes every morning. It's so great for us to have those memories.


Q. Do you love that your'e following in his footsteps?

A. Yes specially when I jump on the crocodiles backs, when we go for crocodile research.


Q. Who's the most like him, you or Bindi?

A. A bit of both really, sometimes wer'e like our mum and sometimes we're like our Dad. But I think I'm the most like him.


Q. Do you and Bindi ever fight?

A. No never.

Q. Never?

A. No not ever. She's the best big Sister.


Aaaaw. He's all of 9 years old. Nearly 10. On the 1st December, lol.


Then came the gorgeous and lantern-jawed Dr Chris Brown, Bondi Vet. About an incident with Sami's dog Lolly, and a rubber glove.


Sami: do you remember that incident?

Dr Chris: yes but it will remain forever between me and Lolly. All I can say is there was a lot of lubricant involved.








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