another 'roll your eyes' judgement

sometimes i just wonder what planet our judges live on.


5 and a half years for killing 2 people!


just what value is a life in australia today?


this cretin should be in prison for 20 years on each count, as to why he fronted up voluntarily, advice from lawyers would be my guess. 'put your hands up mate get a reduced sentence your going to prison regardless might as well get a discount'

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another 'roll your eyes' judgement


Can't imagine doing 121 in an 80 zone; what a tool.  However all things considered it seems pointless locking this bloke up forever.


When I looked for other sources on this story I found that Thomas Towle, the loser who killed six teenagers when he was driving with his kid on his lap and then ran away leaving his kid behind ten years ago in Mildura, was released after only 7 years.  Then locked up again for another year for being a risk to society when he breached his parole.  He will never be worth a pinch of scheisse.

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another 'roll your eyes' judgement

The judges aren't on the same page as the community, that is for sure.


I live in Melbourne and I am sick to death of criminals-sometimes quite violent ones-getting a slap on the wrist.

There was a case a while back where a man about 18 or 19 was hooning-you know where they get their cars and deliberately speed around at night in competition with their mates, well he was doing that-he killed someone and was let off with no conviction at all as the judge 'didn't want to ruin his life'.


Every case has to be judged on its merits but for me the worst are violent crimes eg home invasions, bashings etc & they should get the full brunt of the law and I don't care what age the criminals are.

For cases where someone is killed in a car accident but the driver being sentenced was driving fairly closely within the law, perhaps made an error, then some leniency.

But in this case the driver was going a full 40kph over the speed limit so he deserves a stiff sentence. Mind you, I think the violent criminals who bash etc deserve an even stiffer sentence.

But do they get it? Of course not.

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