on โ18-03-2013 08:39 AM
on โ18-03-2013 11:35 AM
Of course I agree.
Along with nursing homes, so that they can be avoided and hopefully then will lift their game.
on โ18-03-2013 11:43 AM
I do think that centres who are not meeting quality control within the industry should be named. But I also think that sadly things happen even with the best of intentions. So it really depends on the situation at hand what steps were taken to avoid incidences happening again and whether staff have been charge and protocol followed in more extreme situations.
on โ18-03-2013 11:50 AM
There has been a wealth of serious research into "accidents" to children for close to fifty years in this country. The information is everywhere, so there is no reason for any lapses.
(The inverted commas are because technically there is no such thing as an accident.)
on โ18-03-2013 11:55 AM
One would think that both Child Care Centres and Nursing Homes would be very strictly monitored once an incident occurs. Perhaps more stringent quality control measures are needed.
Naming runs the risk of putting centres with the normal level of minor accidents into the "bad" category within peoples minds without having the facts.
If it gets to the point a centre can be publicly named, it should be shut down.
on โ18-03-2013 12:32 PM
Definately not available to the public - such a publication will result in simplistic leagues tables similar to that for the NAPLAN test results, which some political party or eager member of the media will harvest and twist to suit an agenda.
The leauges tables don't take into account all the relevant factors etc and the general public don't really understand how to interpret them objectively.
All it will do is cause centres to stop reporting incidents, or at least delaying taking any action until it is the last resort.
Just as the NAPLAN testing results can be manipulated, so too can any simplistic leagues table.
Maybe some sort of tribunal or overarching governing body where reports of this nature are specifically handled and investigated - but certainly not for the misuse of the general public.
on โ18-03-2013 12:49 PM
I think parents of children in child care centres should be notified of anything that occurs in that centre which may affect their children.
Nursing homes....same, however, if family visit often enough they will see it themselves.
My sis in law asked another family member to take a notebook and record anything untoward that he saw...and check dad out for bruises on a daily basis ๐ฎ
on โ18-03-2013 01:19 PM
I agree bella.....and yes accidents do happen but parents are entitled to know how well their childs centre is scoring.
on โ18-03-2013 03:14 PM
the mychild website has all the accreditation scores (and has done for years)and will be updated once the NQF is finalised.
Under the NQF the regulatory authority will make things much more transparent
on โ19-03-2013 01:18 AM
I agree bella.....and yes accidents do happen but parents are entitled to know how well their childs centre is scoring.
just like the biased incomprehensive leagues tables of the My Schools Website?
maybe an outside body could issue some sort of merice system where a centre is accredited and awarded say stars like hotels?
information is a bad thing for those who don't nferstand how to interpret or analyse it.