the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

This is a thread with no particular

Topic so no one can be off topic 🙂


So if anyone out there has something 

To say about anything you like now

Is your chance


Keep it clean 


And be nice 


See how long that lasts


Can we keep politics and religion out 

Of the conversation 

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the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

The old man bird has moved on from staring, glaring, and ruffling his feathers as his primary means of communication.

There's been a few muted gurgles over the last couple of days, and today I got "Erk! Gargle! Umph!".

(Matthew 25:35...).

I have to admire a bird that can quote Scripture, ha ha.





Message 3571 of 12,453
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the nothing ,anything ,everything thread




Message 3572 of 12,453
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the nothing ,anything ,everything thread




Message 3573 of 12,453
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the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

That looks like Wesley on the sewing machine, love that picture ecar, thank you xxxx .......  Smiley LOL

Message 3574 of 12,453
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the nothing ,anything ,everything thread


Message 3575 of 12,453
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the nothing ,anything ,everything thread


*After a hard day of athletics and never a dull moment!*

Message 3576 of 12,453
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the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Tas, I saw the picture and I thought of you. 🙂



Message 3577 of 12,453
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the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Poor little Bot bot, all he was doing was climbing down the tree...

That naughty Pyrex, on the big table, shouldn't have jumped and run at the sight of another possum, because, understandably, that startled him.

He felt he had no choice but to jump from the tree to the corner of the little table, and from there onto the ground.

Once he'd regained his bearings, he climbed back up onto the little table, and rather than stay there, he made his way up to the pergola bridge...

And ran into Takeaway in one of her moods... ha ha.

She, not satisfied with scaring a week's growth out of the littlest possum, stealthily made her way down to the big table.


Pyrex was on the little table...

With her back to the big table...

It's almost as though she had a "Kick me!" sign on her back...

But Takeaway didn't kick her.

She bit her, instead, taking a chunk of fur out, in the process... ha ha.


I blame it on giving Takeaway her own breakfast - that way she's got a head start on everyone.

When they're trying to have breakfast, she's already in "I want to chase someone" mode, ha ha.

Okay, she's generally in "I want to chase someone" mode, but the breakfast is a good excuse, ha ha.



Message 3578 of 12,453
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the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

The Perils of Possums at ecar's house.   Reminds me of the Perils of Pauline at the movies.Smiley LOL

Message 3579 of 12,453
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the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

The baby cockatoo paid a visit, this afternoon.


Stomp around on the roof...


Stomp around some more...


This occurred at about thirty second intervals, ha ha.

I can see why the parents leave it here.

Well, yes, so they can escape the noise, and also because there's a good dozen other birds around, so junior's not about to get into any trouble.

Unless baby girl magpie turns up...

"A new play friend! I like new play friends!".

And you should have left it there, because the magpie was fine until you said...

Wait for it... "Waaah!", ha ha.

I think the little bird has a way to go with socialising, ha ha.




Message 3580 of 12,453
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