on 17-08-2013 05:38 PM
everytime I switch on my comp this horrid little box appears telling something about TrayApp.msi not being installed
It's almost imposs to get rid of it
I have the McAfee anti-virus software and also Tune up 1-click maintenance software.
Surely one of these two programs can get rid of this without me needing to install and pay for a new program
Can anyone help me please?
on 19-08-2013 10:15 AM
Hi , seems not a virus but rather from a buggy (faulty) installation, trayApp is identified as to be a HP printer application ,
buggy printer installation:
so I suggest if you have a HP printer attached uninstall and then reinstall the related application programs to hopefully correctly install TrayApp
If you do not have attached a HP printer but previously did , delete printer from Start>devices and printers applet, then fully uninstall all related programs via " control panel > system and security : programs > programs and features : uninstall a program
As a temp workaround :
You can possibly disable TrayApp if listed in "startup" of system config , called up by launching this Windows app via
the run command line
start > all propram> accessaries > run
physically keyin:
click ok
or install freeware application program winpatrol
and disable that app, however related device support may also be disabled - printer may not work correctly
If in doubt seek personal computer support
on 25-08-2013 08:05 PM