on 01-03-2013 11:28 PM
My computer died a few weeks back, all I could get was an error message. ( don't remember what it was ). But anyway I was told by someone who should know, that the motherboard had died, so I bought another, Online from someone who sell a lot of motherboards. Got it home plugged it in and the fans on the motherboard and the power unit did half a turn and stopped, was then told the power unit died. Bought one of those, plugged it all in again and still nothing works. Not even the start up light on the tower. I do have 5volts at the speaker terminal. Does anyone want to give me any ideas what to try.X-(
on 02-03-2013 10:30 AM
Sounds like you need to find a good computer guy near you that can tell you it will only cost 60-80 if no parts are needed to get it going, or there abouts.
Otherwise if it's an older one, perhaps better to look for a box only on ebay.
I found a good fast one for my father for 300.
Not that this helps you this time but one of the common problems is dust builds up on the cpu fan and overheats the motherboard/other components. Good idea to open the box whilst unplugged and vacuum the dust out once or twice a year.
on 02-03-2013 11:49 AM
That, I think was the problem. There was heaps of dust. Anyway I'm off to a swap meet now.
Thanks for that
on 02-03-2013 10:38 PM
Have a new computer now