on 16-06-2014 07:16 PM
Hi guys,
I am just starting to sell lil items lying around the house collecting dust. Its been a while since I have been on ebay as a seller. This who system has me a lil confused. I don't understand how postage and postage lable works. Many a times the postage cost more than the item i am selling and as i am a new seller I just going to send it at a loss to keep my buyers happy. Its my own fault i should have put a reserve or postage cost paid by the buyer. Can anyone suggest what i should do about postage? What is reasonable price to charge as the recommended price seems awfully high. I plan on opening a 2nd hand item shop and I really need to get ontop of this postage situation as i can't keep selling at a loss.
Any advice tips, hints for a noob would be greatly appreciated.