on 25-10-2017 12:59 PM
I've been a member of Ebay now for 15 years and until recently have had nothing go astray but in the last year I've had 3 small untracked items get lost in the mail. Is this a trend that needs to be looked into by Australia Post i.e. is there someone in Australia Post pilfering small packages or have I just been unlucky.
You have been lucky.
I have been selling on ebay for about 5 years now. Australia Post has consistently misdelivered about 1% of my untracked mail during this period. As a result I incur a loss, the customer is unhappy and I get poor feedback.
If 1% of mail is lost, Australia Post is costing sellers billions annually. I to wonder what happens to all that mail.
You do not have any negs, 100% positive in fact.
The two neutral feedback were about the items, not lost purchases
And the question was posted over seven years ago