on 12-09-2024 11:53 AM
They won't bother deliver to residential address or press the buzzer or to knock the door and no left of sorry we miss you card and will just change status in tracking as " Delivery location closed" but instead they would take parcel to nearby post office to waste your time to go collect the parcel after 4 pm. They won't do their delivery job properly, I was waiting home whole morning but no one came nor left missed card at all, they are connected and contracted with overseas drop shipping company(ies) from CN who set up here as far as my knowledge, they should train their driver staffs properly not to do that again, they should meet Aus standard for delivery even if they are foreign workers and foreign related company and to stop wasting everyone's time to unnecessory got to go to collect in post office and we want to save our own busy times too otherwise why should we be still even using them?
That sure as heck sounds like an Australia Post contractor to me. They're notorious for not attempting delivery and not leaving a card.