Seller has changed postage cost after I have won the item

I have just bidded on and won an item that was listed as "FREE Standard International Flat Rate Postage See more service" After clicking on see all details it clearly states P&H is free to Australia. The seller has just sent me an invoice with 10.50pounds postage! The postage cost alone is over twice what the winning bid was. What do I do?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Guessing which item it is, I feel this was a genuine mistake on the sellers part, infact I even doubt they could post it for what they have charged. Being reasonably heavy and requiring extra packaging to avoid damage in transit. But it is up to the seller to get the listing right before submitting it. Beside the point any way as you bid expecting free postage, you can try to push the issue but can`t force them to send the item, I suggest you either negotiate a resolution or maybe request a mutual cancellation.

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