I have made a purchase by using Afterpay and the seller has received notification that the funds wil

not be available for 21 days.  The first payment has already left my account.  I thought by using afterpay that I can still get the item and the installments will leave my account periodically.


Please advise.

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If the seller has been told the funds will not be available for 21 days, it means they are a 'new' seller


Even if you had not opted to use afterpay, there would still be a 21 day hold


Or, if *you* were to sell an item, there would be a 21 day hold on your payment from the buyer




Did the seller tell you they are NOT going to send the item until the funds have cleared?


If so, you will need to let them know eBay policy for semding items, even with a 'hold'



As I have not used afterpay, other members who have will be able to tell you if there is anything *special* I am unaware of 

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