Not comfortable giving driver's license details which includes DOB and address

Ebay & PayPal already have our phone numbers, email addresses and Banking details,  not comfortable with the idea of identity theft if there's a possible breach of privacy- who knows ?

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Answers (2)

There's no breach of privacy, it's a government regulation that sellers on eBay HAVE to provide and verify their banking and personal details to be able to sell on eBay. It's the same on other selling platforms and in fact they implemented it before eBay did.


Edit. Snap Sandy.

Nobody is going to make you provide them


You only need to sign up to Managed Payments if you are a seller, which you have'nt been for some time


Managed Payments came in three years ago, and was announced two years before that, so not sure why you'd wait until now


and the information required now to sell is not 'for' eBay and PayPal


ANY site that has your ID could have a privacy breach


No such thing as safe and secure when it comes to life on line in the modern world