Order number: 16-08759-06063I have no idea what this transaction is for. Paypal has paid A$22.53

An amount of $22.53 has been deducted from my account by PayPal as the first of 4 payments. I have no record in Ebay UK as purchasing an item.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Don't click on links.


Log into PayPal and see if the transaction is there.

If not, then it could be a scam email.


If the amount has been debited already, contact PP.

But first make sure you or a family member hasn't made a purchase.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

As mentioned, do not click on links


However, you have been left feedback for two purchases made from a seller registered in The UK  wthin the past month, is it not related to those?