This new ebay payment for sellers system that is supposed to help all members??

I have currently have payments from buyers going into my bank account and Pay Pal.  I use funds in pay pal from ebay buyers to pay for living expenses and items i want outside of ebay. So when this next ebay "venture" kicks in, i have no more funds in pay pal to purchase elsewhere. I use pay pal where ever possible as i get buyer protection. Ebay does NOT have all the things i want or need in my everyday life so i shop elswhere for those items. So i will now have to transfer funds from my bank account into pay pal for me to use elsewhere. Thanks ebay for what looks like more mucking around for me and also looks like another money grab may be looming??

More fees ebay?? I will certainly be looking at what the fee structure will be? Fees on postage would have to have been borderline 'legal' when ebay decided to take fees on postage when they did zero to help me with my postage? I can only wonder why ebay can 'dictate' as to where payments for someones private sold items goes? Ebay i assumed was a selling platform we pay for with fees charged, not a money collector where they can invest peoples money for a finacial gain? Maybe you can call it  "Bank Ebay"

I wonder also what the office of fair trading say about it, or are they benefitting from these big companies and their practices?

I have been an ebay member for around 18 years and have seen a lot of changes in ebay, and the more i see the more i find are changes to grab more money from sellers. With out sellers, there is no ebay and when i pull the pin it wont matter to ebay but it will make me feel a lot better and i would sell elswhere easily with less hassles, rules, fees, and stress from adhering to a dictator type system. Maybe i am missing something with this new payment plan, but i doubt it!

I will just wait and see what happens and what buyer protection ebay will offer???

But i can only think at this stage, i will be fleeced along with millions of others in the ebay community.


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