on 27-11-2024 06:17 PM
Hi, received an email from eBay, verified, that there was an issue with the processing of postage label charges against items I have sold since 20 Sept 2024 and that eBay will now invoice me for the error at a cost in excess of $A100. I have spoken to eBay and they will escalate and I will have a callback in 24-48 hours. Checking if other eBay sellers in Australia have/are experiencing this issue ? Cheers.
I have now had 2 seperate charges for this in the last 8 weeks. The first was $304 after a received the email the night before. Today…another $98 for shipped orders where I used and purchased EBay postage labels from August to October
I SAW these charges - mostly $10.95 small AUS post satchel charges occur from my daily balance…as I expect them to be…at the time from my available funds.
I use the HELP CHAT to request a call…which I do get back promptly.
So far I cannot get an answer or a resolution.
I no longer use the model of printing EBAY labels and use my own FLAT RATE with a Band 3 discount and print my own generic labels.
I honestly believe I am being charged again for previously PAID labels.
Hi, update.
eBay did not call me back as promised - nothing new there I guess, although being an eBay seller and buyer after 19 years you would think some loyalty is fair.......seems not.
Also, for others that have commented, all of my postage labels are via Australia Post - meaning eBay should have got the postage rates correct from the start.
Anyway, I move on.
After some thought, including closing my eBay account and working with my bank to stop eBay simply debiting my account, I have decided, with much regret, to take no further action and "swallow" eBay's rubbish about what happened and accept the $100+ charge.
I will however check my account on 2 December for eBay's "explanation of charges" for an update - again, probably nothing will follow, sadly.
The one and only reason I have decided to "leave as is" is that I simply do not trust other on-line selling services - FaceBook Marketplace as one example.
So to all you faithful eBayers out there - eBay got me again !!!!
All the best, Russell
You can avoid this for the future. Don’t buy postage through eBay; join MyPost Business (with Australia Post), and you will still be able to print the labels through there. You’ll be billed directly by AP so no eBay shenanigans can occur with postage fees. You’ll also be saving money according to your volume of mail (tiered discounts).
Just don’t print labels in eBay because that = buying postage through eBay with eBay charging you for the postage/label.
Swallow eBay's rubbish??? Really???
You think you're entitled to free postage at eBay's expense, why?
It doesn't matter a hoot when you're billed for it... you used the service, pay for it - simples.
Like it or not, that's nobody's rubbish.
As said by others, if you don't want to pay eBay for your labels, don't buy them from eBay - again, simples.
But whichever option you decide on for your postage, ultimately you have to pay for it at some stage. It's never free.
How did you contact them get a call back? Any update on this problem? Below is my experience which I wrote out and was intending to post on this forum.
Today I received an email from the Ebay Australia Shipping Team. It was a brief letter telling me they have made errors in charging me over the past several months and as a result, without any specific details, they will be dipping into my account to snatch $146 in 3 days time. Not only that but they will be snatching more early next year to pay for fees they apparently haven’t charged me for.
I call bull**bleep** on this. Firstly, eBay never let anything slip by. They even charge fees on postage which is absolutely nothing to do with them! Surely that isn’t even legal. Secondly, if there has been an audit and discrepancies found then surely I am entitled to know precisely how and where those discrepancies are. I should not be told to go find them myself! Thirdly, I should have a right to examine those discrepancies and either accept or dispute them. Taking it as a foregone conclusion and dipping into my funds is totally unethical. No other business model in the world would get away with this rubbish.
I don’t trust eBay to manage anything. There are far too many stupid decisions in the company to garner trust from anyone. It is not a partnership, it is a dictactorship. You only have to look at the ridiculous RULE eBay have implemented regarding tracking on sales. I sold 1800 items with related to some 1500 mailings and when I missed recording the tracking on just one item, I suddenly went from a 100% valid tracking performance to 83%. They even told me which one item I was negligent on. Which school teaches that type of math? If I did not go in and add the tracking number, I would have been subject to having all my future sales income placed on hold at eBay’s convenience. When such nonsense is constant with eBay, how can I trust them? Now I must spend hours and hours trying to backtrack through my records to see if I can find any occasions where eBay forgot to charge me for postage. This is a nigh on impossible task given I have no idea what eBay believes they are entitle to.
I would have replied to the email asking for more information but of course it carries the usual disclaimer saying that mailbox is not checked so don’t bother replying. My option? Go to the help section and try to communicate with the world’s worst chat system. Seriously, I know there are frustrating chat bots in many companies but this one has to be experienced to believe it. Guaranteed to raise stress levels to explosion point.
There is no means to contact anyone at eBay. It is just a circular trip through the help sections without ever getting any answers. If no humans work for eBay, how did billing errors occur? Who did the audit? I truly believe this is some great money grab by eBay to increase their profits at the most crucial time of the year for most sellers. Who has the time or power to argue the point? It is utterly disgraceful.
Yes others have been told as well.