How to change country of registration for selling?

I originally registered on the UK site, but have since returned to Australia. My registered address was changed to an Australian address a few years ago, and I have bought things on EBay since then. This is the first time I've tried to sell anything here on the Australian site, though, and I get a message telling me that 'You are not allowed to sell internationally at this time.' (I only have 5 feedback points from selling, rather than the required 10.)


I suspect that my account is still registered as a UK account, even though I have changed my registration address to an Australian one. My billing currency still seems to be GBP, when I log in on the Australian site. How do I definitively change my country of registration?


Thank you.


P.S., I originally posted this in the Discussion Forum, but I realise now that I should have asked the question here instead.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

You need to change region and currency as well as change address, if you can't find out how (I won't advise because it keeps changing) then call ebay and ask for the correct links etc.

Answers (0)