I was under the Impression that Seller's of Mobile Phones on eBay had to show their IMIE # Number ?

Looking for a Spare "Travel Mobile Phone" l have noticed that there are very few Seller's that are Listing the IMIE Number in their Listing of a Mobile Phone for Sale. To my knowledge, it was Policy that all Seller's had to List the IMIE # Number of the said Mobile for Sale, Before they were able to List their item. 

This IMIE Number could then be "checked" on line to see if the Mobile was Locked or if it was a valid number.

Has Something changed in ebay Policy that l am now not Aware of?  Maybe Somebody could enlighten me on 

this matter, Thank you.


I have also noted the same issue arises on the Sale of Apple MacBooks, and Android Netbooks/Notebooks.

Accepted Solutions (1)

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I understand it to not be mandatory but more likely to achieve a sale if it is shown.


If there is a particular phone you are interested in then perhaps ask the seller for the IMEI and if they don't provide it, move on to another seller.


But phones being relatively cheap in stores now, perhaps more prudent to buy from a reputable company so you have a warranty.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

ebay has come up with loads of polices over the years, unless it fills their pockets with cash they back down on most.