Should I insist on payment if a buyer "commits to by" and changes his mind when he collects?

I recently "sold" an item. The buyer, who lived in the neighbouring suburb came round to collect, and discovered what he described as a minor imperfection. I had advertised the goods as "used" and "good condition", which was correct. It was a little frustrating at the time, but I let it go when he gave me $10.00 to cover the selling fees which I would be charged. He seemed a reasonable sort of guy. (The selling fees were $15.00 in the end). I am thinking now that I was a little soft on him....afterall, he "commited to buy". He had ample opportunity to have a look at the item. As I said, he only lived around the corner. Anyone else had any similar experiences?

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Badmouthing your buyer in your relist is an appalling thing to do, you should revise that listing immediately.