Can't find 'good til cancelled' option

Hi, I just opened a store and am trying to relist some stuff into it. When I edit these listings I'm not being given the "Good Til Cancelled" option, only the 30 days, and the check button for the 3 automatic relists. Do you think this is because these listings were originally created before I opened the store?


And on another note, wow, how complicated to put these things into my store these days. It's going to be a very steep learning curve today.


Thanks for your help!

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I can't answer your question because I'm not a seller, but why have you subscibed to a store?


Most members here will tell you that you need over 100 listings with a good sell-through rate to make it financially viable.


With only 6 listings and only 10 or so sales in the last month you're wasting your money on a store.